Monday, November 18, 2013

Bob Bernick: Reid to Retire from Legislature in 2014

"I'm outta here for good, just as promised" says the "much beloved" outgoing Utah State Senator

Breaking news from Utah Policy.Com's Bob Bernick.  Looks like State Senator Stewart Reid (R) - District 18, Godfrey Mayoral Administration re-tread, and a much-beloved long-time fixture in Ogden/Weber politics, is "bagging" his Utah Senate seat, and throwin' in the political towel for good, bringing a 20-year political career abruptly to its final end:
“This will be the end of my public service,” said Reid, 67, meaning he has no plans to ever run for office again.

"There is good public policy in having short-termers, who come in and then leave quickly," Reid adds, in an uncharacteristic display of political wisdom.

A Weber County Forum Tip O' The Hat to Reid, who pledged to limit his senate tenure to one single term, and is apparently makin' good on his word.

Can we see by a show of hands how many folks believe that Senator Reid will be "sorely missed?"

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