Thursday, April 24, 2014

Standard-Examiner Out-Take: Weber County Commission Takes the Tried and True "Bait and Switch" Tactic to a Whole New Level

And let's hear no complainin', Weber County lumpencitizens.  Remember, it's you folks who elected these devious fellers

In the midst of a news week which has so far been more than a mite slow, we'll put the spotlight on a couple of new Standard-Examiner stories, which beg to be placed into juxtaposion.

First, S-E reporter Cathy McKitrick reports about how "50 Weber County Library supporters gathered this week to  discuss how to battle back against two county commissioners who seem  intent on shrinking the size of a voter-approved $45 million ["Taj Mahal"] bond and  altering the vision of what those dollars were intended to fund":
"We collectively voted for this library overhaul, new libraries and  other improvements. How can they take it away? Can they legally deny  these funds?" Ogden resident Richard Bush asks.

The answer's really quite straightforward, folks, once you factor in Ms. McKitrick's second new story... and connect the dots:
Yep.  With $1.5 million already pledged by the legislature to be applied to our Weber County Commission's proposed $3.8 million "Taj Mahal" gun range purchase, take a wild guess where the other $2.3 million will be coming from.

Cute, ainnit?  Congrats to the Weber County Commission majority, for taking the tried and true 'bait and switch" tactic to a whole new level, heretofore never experienced in our semi-bucolic Weber County.

And let's hear no complainin', Weber County lumpencitizens.  Remember, it's you folks who elected these devious fellers.


CJ said...

Wait!! Did we vote for the gun range?

Ben P. said...

Want to know a person's priorities? Follow the money. Libraries? Nope. Guns? Hell yeah!

blackrulon said...

In the perfect world of the Weber County Commissioners the proposed gun range would use library books as targets.

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