Friday, October 31, 2014

2014 Weber County Election Update: The Standard-Examiner Opens the Door To An Examination of Weber County Campaign Finance

We invite you to open  online pre-election candidate cheat-sheet, and prowl around a little bit. folks -  You'll be amazed how many individuals and entities are pouring out the dough for that "precious" elected official "access" [Wink]

With our Weber County Forum countdown clock ticking down to a mere minus four days until the November 4, 2014 Utah General Election, we'll shine the spotlight on yesterday's Kathy McKitrick story from the Standard-Examiner, which zeros in, laser-like, on one topic near and dear to your blogmeister's heart, campaign finance. Here's Ms. McKitick's lede:
OGDEN — Recent campaign finance reports revealed an influx of cash to Weber County candidates who are running unopposed, which prompts the question why donors give to recipients who lack the need to actively campaign.
“If the candidate doesn’t face an expensive race and is running unopposed, it’s hard to believe that money to that candidate won’t give some sort of special access once they’re serving,” said Jenn Gonnelly, co-president of the nonpartisan League of Women Voters of Utah,
Read up, folks:
Surprise of surprises.  Unopposed candidates on our November 4 Weber County ballots are reeling in cash contributions like madmen, despite the fact that their 2014 campaigns are absolute slam-dunks.

County Commissioner Kerry Gibson's 2014 campaign finance disclosure report illustrates one instance of this weird phenomenon, although Ms. McKitrick also provides numerous other examples of this surprising 2014 election campaign twist:
No one from any political party mounted a challenge this year to Republican incumbent Kerry Gibson, who will sail to a second term as Weber County commissioner this November. The former state lawmaker’s Oct. 28 report — the first he’s been required to file this year — showed that he started with a fund balance of $13,302 and brought in $12,650 in donations throughout 2014. 
Gibson’s largest donations include $5,000 from a political action committee called Preserve Ogden Valley, two $1,500 contributions from Randall Moulding and a business called AFC Tanks, and $1,000 from Staker Parsons, a six-decades-old sand, rock and concrete company.
And what's the motivation for this? Why do unopposed candidates solicit and accept campaign donation whilst running unopposed?
“Usually people spend money on campaigns to get a return on their investment, but they don’t waste their money,” said Leah Murray, an associate professor in political science at Weber State University.
“I don’t know if you’re buying influence so much as access,” Murray added. “If you want to make sure they take your call, you give.”
Ms. McKitrick has done a bang up job in opening the door to a discussion of 2014 Weber County Election campaign finance.  Accordingly, we're delighted to be able to offer our gentle WCF readers a little something more.  In that connection, we'll again provide the link to our robust online pre-election candidate cheat-sheet, which includes all campaign finance disclosures from all candidates who'll appear on Tuesday's (11/4/14) ballots.  Check it out, political wonks:
We invite you to open the link and prowl around a little bit. folks.  You'll be amazed how many individuals and entities are pouring out the dough for that "precious insider access" [Wink].

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Breaking: ACLU Wants Convictions Under Ogden Anti-gang Injunction Thrown Out

Bad news for fans of the ever-encroaching American police state, wethinks

Good news for Ogden civil libertarians this morning, as both the Standard-Examiner and Salt Lake Tribune report that "[t]he American Civil Liberties Union and a local law firm Tuesday filed a class action petition under Utah’s Post Conviction Remedies Act, requesting that the state throw out all convictions of individuals charged with violating the Ogden gang injunction in light of the Utah Supreme Court’s decision last year dissolving the injunction":
Bad news for fans of the ever-encroaching American Police State, wethinks.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Weber County 2014 Election Roundup: The Standard Excels Again, With Three New 2014 General Election Stories

Bottom line: Utah is ripe for political change, wethinks, so long as ALL registered voters to actually show up to vote

We gotta say the Standard-Examiner is doing a bang-up job of covering the November Utah General Elections this year. Here are the latest SE 2014 election stories which popped up within the last 24 hours.

1) Seems that House District 10 GOP incumbent Jeremy Peterson is taking liberties with the truth, shall we say, with respect to his 2014 Democratic Party opponent, Steve Olsen,  Peterson already has an advantage in District Nine, of course, due to 2008 Leg District gerrymandering by the EVIL 2008 Utah Legislature:
Our take? Seems that this little twit, Peterson, feels the heat of a smarter and more competent Demo candidate (Steve Olsen), who's breathing down Peterson's "skinny" neck, in this race.

Sodden question, why would Mr. Peterson sink so low as to actively misrepresent Mr. Olsen's stance in this? Here's a helpful hint.  Democratic professional engineer candidate Steve Olsen probably owns 20 or 30 IQ points over this clownish and shabby GOP real estate salesman, and Peterson senses that his House 9 "gig is up."

We urge you to vote Steve Olsen on this one, folks!

2) Whilst your blogmeister is not really overwhelmed  about the depth of Cathy McKitrick's story today, here's a link to today's Ogden School Board election story anyway, nevertheless:
Our WCF out-take? It might have been nice for Ms. McKirtick to have interviewed all Ogden School Board candidates about the mindless hiring and support of the original hiring of nitwit Brad Smith, rather than focusing on Common Core,  That's the issue Ms, MCkitrick missed, unfortunately.

Ahem, People! Oust all the Ogden School Board "Incumbent Toadies" Puh-Leeze! 

3) Smart editorial from the Standard-Examiner, also following up on our earlier WCF story, wherin we also urged "bhusy" Utah voters to vote early :
Get out and vote ealy WFC Lumpencizens , just as the S-E urges.  Despite you crappy work schedule, with early voting, there'e no real reason that all Utah voters can't cast their votes, this election season

4) And here's one reason why Utah remains on the outskirts of GOP crack-pottedness, by the way:
Utah is ripe for political change, wethinks, so long as ALL registered voters to actually show up to vote.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Standard-Examiner: Utah SAGE Test Results Illuminate Math Struggles - Updated

Hoping that State Schools Superintndent Brad Smith does not lead the state system to the same horrible results he has achieved in Ogden

By: Blackrulon:

The results of statewide testing of schools (SAGE) has been released. Ogden School District posted results of 28.1% in Language Arts, 20.3% in Mathemetics and 26.8% in Science:
The State of Utah has selected former Ogden school District Superintendent Brad Smith to lead education in Utah. I only hope that he does not lead the state system to the same horrible results he has achieved in Ogden.

Update 10/29/14 8:30 a.m.: Interesting story from the Salt Lake Tribune, reporting that Utah Charter School SAGE test performance was merely on par with that of Utah public schools:
Click the link below to find out how your children’s specific schools performed:

House District 10 Incumbent Dixon Pitcher: Asleep At The Switch?

Keep your eyes on the ball, Weber County Forum Readers who reside in Legislative District Ten -  Unlike the the current incumbent, you can rest assured assured that Eric Irvine is definitely not "asleep at the switch."

Interesting story from the Salt Lake Tribune, breaking down the chances for Utah Democrats to pick up a few state legislative seats in the upcoming 2014 November mid-term election. Within this story, SLTrib reporter Lee Davidson shines the spotlight on Weber County legislative District 10 race, wherein GOP incumbent Dixon M. Pitcher faces off against strong Democratic challenger Eric D. Irvine.

Earlier, we duly noted that Pitcher had "failed and refused" to stand for an interview with the Standard's Cathy McKitrick for this S-E story, wherein Ms. McKitrick originally reported that "Attempts to reach [Legislative District 10 candidate Dixon] Pitcher by phone were unsuccessful and he did respond to emails."  Although Pitcher seems to have finally responded after the fact (Ms. McKitrick's story has now apparently been amended), we'll reiterate that Mr. Pitcher  still doesn't seem "much interested in participating in [his own] election campaign,"  as is demonstrated  in the below  linked Lee Davidson 10/26/14 story, wherein Mr Davidson reports that "Pitcher [again] did not return phone calls":
Troublingly, we also learn from a separate online source that Mr. Pitcher was also a "no show" for yet another important campaign related interview:

 "That was the case when it came to candidate interviews with our PAC. He said he would be there, then never showed, then called a few weeks later to apologize because he had a conflict come up. I kind of like my legislators to be responsible with their commitments. I really hope you win, Eric," says the Utah Education Association's Matt Ogle.

Our take?  Mr. Pitcher's campaign performance can be viewed as troublingly "flaky" at best. It could also reflect just the kind of Utah GOP arrogance which we detest, in a worse case scenario, of course.

Keep your eyes on the ball, Weber County Forum Readers who reside in Legislative District 10. The Democrats have fielded a fine candidate in Eric Irvine, whom we heartily endorse. Unlike the the current incumbent, you can rest assured assured that Mr. Irvine is definitely not "asleep at the switch."

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Weber State University Game Day Thread: PSU v. WSU - Updated

Happily, our Wildcats are pegged as slight 1-1/2 point favorites

After last week's close road loss to MSU, our Weber State Wildcats (0-7, 0-3)  return home this afternoon to take on the Portland State Vikings (2-5, 1-2), with kickoff set for 1:00 p.m. at Stewart Stadium. The Vikings have lost four of their last five games heading into today's gridiron battle; and it looks like Coach Hill will be pulling out all the stops and will be switching quarterbacks.
Feast your eyes on these other pregame writeups, long-suffering 'Cats fans:
Interestingly, the Standard also presents this companion story, comparing the performance of current Coach Hill with that of former Coach Jody Sears, who was "dismissed" in 2013:
With seven straight WSU losses on the books, we'll assume that some disappointed Wildcats boosters have already set their tongues a-waggin', which will no doubt provide additional incentive for Coach Hill to finally put a "W" in this year's Win/Loss Column this afternoon.

Weber State Wildcats diehards who can't make it to the stadium can follow the game via the usual online sources, of course:
Happily, Sportsbet.Com reports that our Wildcats are pegged as slight 1-1/2 point favorites (the first time they haven't been underdogs this season) which probably takes "home field advantage" into account, we'd suppose.

We'll leave the lights on for your ever-savvy comments here at Weber County Forum, of course,

Go Wildcats!

Update 10/25/14: Dang. Our ass gets whooped again!
The game wasn't even halfway close.

Maybe it is time again, wethinks, to start thinking about hiring a competent coach.

In happier Big Sky Conference news, check this out:
Yep. Despite appearances, there are hopes for underdog success in the lopsided Big Sky Conference.

Update 10/26/14 7:41 pm:  More half-assed excuses from the (interim) Coach and a few other WSU sadsack LOSERS:

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

2014 Utah Election Update: Early Voting Starts Today

Don't vote? Don't complain!

Click this handy link below for additional information, including Weber County early voting polling locations:
For further information on candidates and issues appearing on our Weber County ballots, check out our handy 2014 General Election Module in the right sidebar, which features (among other things) our below-linked online voter information guide:

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

2014 Weber County Election Update: A Couple of Informative Stories Via The Standard-Examiner

We've also provided a link to our own handy pre-election candidate information page, for those readers who'd like to dig a little bit deeper

With the Utah Elections looming in under 14 days, we'll augment our 2014 election coverage with two excellent stories appearing on the pages of the Standard-Examiner this week.

First, Cathy McKitrick provides this candidate overview, briefly providing thumbnail sketches of most of the candidates appearing on your November 4, 2014 Weber County Ballots:
Notably, regarding Medicaid expansion, one of the biggest issues in Utah this year,  Legislative District 8 candidate Gage Froerer's approach to the issue is pretty typical of the rest of the GOP candidates, who seem to be reading from the same script, a script no doubt authored by those out-of-state political meddlers, American Legislative Council (ALEC):
Froerer favors a work requirement in order to access Medicaid services and also questioned the federal government’s ability to reimburse the state’s costs into the future.
In our view the Democratic Party candidates generally adopt a more sensible and humane approach, we think, as is expressed by Legislative District 9 candidate Steve Olsen:
“... [A]ny unbiased examination of the facts are clear that simple Medicaid expansion would have been the smarter fiscal choice (as the Governor’s blue ribbon committee reported),” Olsen said, “and the only reason we didn’t do it was because the name ‘Obama’ was attached to it.”
Seems it's only paranoid GOP candidates who are obsessed with possible "freeloaders," we guess.

And here's a story quote which we believe stuck out like a sore thumb:
Attempts to reach [Legislative District 10 candidate Dixon] Pitcher by phone were unsuccessful and he did respond to emails.
Pitcher isn't much interested in participating in an election campaign, we suppose.  If for only that reason alone, we believe his Democratic opponent, Eric Irvine (whom we've already endorsed for a variety of other reasons), deserves your vote, in Legislative District 10,

P.S.: Regarding the Weber County Government races, it's a shame that so many (GOP) candidates are running unopposed, and that Weber County voters don't have more choices,  we'll add.

Next, Ms. McKitrick also provides a particularly robust story, concerning  one of the four proposition-type measures appearing on November ballots, i.e., Weber County Proposition 1. Read up, folks.  This is by far one of the most informative election writeups that the Standard-Examiner has carried during the current election cycle:
Our take? This ballot measure ought to be approved by Weber County voters with a hearty slam-dunk.

We'll also helpfully provide our own handy pre-election candidate information page, for those readers who'd like to dig a little bit deeper:
The floor's open for you comments as always, O Gentle Weber County Forum Readers.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Weber State University Game Day Thread: WSU v. MSU - Updated

Fine day for an upset, no?

Undeterred by another close loss, our Weber State Wildcats (0-6, 0-2) head back on the road to begin the second half of the season this afternoon as they take on nationally ranked Montana State Bobcats (5-2, 3-0) at Bobcat Stadium in Bozeman, where kickoff's set for 3:30 p.m.. The Bobcats are ranked ninth in the nation and are tied for the lead in the Big Sky Conference.

Here are the pregame writeups, just to set the mood:
Loyal 'Cats fans can follow the game via the usual online sources:
Sportsbet.Com reports that our Wildcats are pegged as 19-point underdogs, but what do them e evil gambers know?

As our mostest favorite Standard-Examiner editorial editor sez:

"Anticipation mixed with dread"

Fine day for an upset, no?.

We'll leave the lights on for your ever-savvy comments here at Weber County Forum, of course,

Go Wildcats!

Update 10/18/14 10:15 p.m: Here's the bad news 'Cats fans:
But here's the good news:

Although "Weber State is now 0-7 on the season, it will play three of the next four games at home*."

*The WSU "Happy Place"

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Duelling Editorials: Strikingly Differing Utah School Board Superintendent Leadership Viewpoints From The Tribune and the Deseret News

The world-wide web eagerly awaits your comments on this thorny topic, of course

With the recent selection of Ogden School Board Superintendant Brad Smith to serve as Utah State Superintendent of Public Instruction, we're delighted to present two Utah print media editorials, commenting upon the pending appointment of this locally controversial figure to Utah's most powerful public education post. The Salt Lake Tribune expresses palpable "wariness" of this development:
The Deseret News, on the other hand, expresses a contrarian viewpoint:
With Mr. Smith's recent Ogden School District layoffs and the D-News-cited "50 percent turnover in teaching positions during his (Smith's) tenure" fresh in Ogden residents' minds, we're of course wondering what our Gentle WCF Readers might think about this startling development.

We're already hearing groans from Utah teachers, former Highland Junior High teaching veteran Lisa Vipperman, for instance, who doesn't mince words about the "wisdom" Mr. Smith's pending appointment:
“I’m afraid of what he’ll do to schools,” said Lisa Vipperman, one of Smith’s loudest opponents.
Vipperman worked for Ogden School District for 13 years before moving to Davis School District.
“I’m frankly very upset about this,” she said. “I’m upset because I don’t think he’s qualified to do this — he’s not a professional educator.”
Vipperman believes Smith was selected because of his presentation of the way Ogden schools have made strides in scores and graduation rates.
“He has insulted teachers — he makes it sound like we never did anything until he showed up, but we did a lot in Ogden, for many years, to improve test scores and we did improve test scores long before he showed up.”
The world-wide web eagerly awaits your comments on this thorny topic, of course.

Our take?  We're inclined to go along with Ms. Vipperman.

Don't let the cat get your tongues, O Gentle Ones...

Monday, October 13, 2014

2014 Utah General Elections Spotlight: Four Weber County Ballot "Propositions"

Vote smart, Weber County Lumpencitizens -- Don't enter those voting booths on November 4 without being completely and fully informed

With a mere 20 days remaining until the 2014 Utah General Election, we'll fatten out our pre-election coverage, beginning with with this informative morning article from the ever-excellent UtahPoliticoHub. Here's the lede, folks:
Something you can count on for every state-level election is getting one or more ballot questions asking you to amend the Utah constitution. About 90% of the time, they’re very dry and somewhat boring technical changes. While the state has some good documents on the arguments for and against each, most voters are looking for a TL;DR summary of the positions. Keep reading to get a five-minute breakdown of what each constitutional amendment means.
Check out the full article here, folks:
For those political wonks who might feel the above summary is still a mite meager, here's a more complete array of  information and  pro-con arguments concerning these heretore three "mysterious" proposed amendments, gleaned straight from the Lt. Governor Cox's VoteUtah.Com website:
As to above-linked Amendment A, the Standard's Cathy McKitrick reported this morning that this proposed amendment is already generating predictable and significant controversy:
“It’s a huge deal, a big change, and a grab by large corporations to take any vestige of fairness out of the state Tax Commission” “This is the single most outrageous thing on the ballot this year because it pits residential property owners against the mighty industrial segments of our state; and it has been done so stealthily that if the ma and pa taxpayers realized what the Republicans were planning here, they would be outraged,” State Senator Jim Dabakis forcefully complains.

Mr. Dabakis make a good point, wethinks.

As an added bonus, we'll also shine the spotlight on the fourth proposition "item" which will appear on your 2014 Weber County ballots, folks.  Seems it's already time for Weber County voters to renew authorization of the R.A.M.P.Tax:
And there you have it. We hope you'll open the above links and carefully weigh the arguments, folks.

Vote smart, Weber County Lumpencitizens.  Don't enter those voting booths on November 4 without being completely and fully informed.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Weber State University Game Day Thread: Cal Poly v. WSU - Updated

It's homecoming week, folks; so let's put some butts into some stadium seats

After a bye week, our  Weber State Wildcats are back in action and back home this afternoon to host the  Cal Poly Mustangs in the annual Weber State Homecoming game. Kickoff's set for 1 p.m. at Stewart Stadium. Weber State sits at 0-5 on the season and 0-1 in Big Sky play. In their last game out the Wildcats lost 31-28 at Southern Utah in the Big Sky opener Cal Poly is 2-3 overall and 1-1 in Big Sky play, heading into today’s game.

Surprise of surprises. We've rounded up a few pre=game stories, just to whet your football appetites
'Cats fans who can't make it to the stadium can follow the game via these following online sources:
Added bonus: Catch the game live on KJZZ teevee.

Although we'd hoped "home field advantage" might earn our Wildcats a little extra pre-game respect, sadly, Sportsbet.Com reports that the Mustangs arrive at Stewart Stadium as 7-point favorites. It's homecoming week however folks; so let's put some butts into some stadium seats, and show our Wildcats football squad the support and respect that they deserve.

We'll leave the lights on for your ever-savvy comments here at Weber County Forum, of course,

Go Wildcats!

Update 10/11/14 4:00 pm.: Dang!  The WSU Wildcats keep their "perfect"  losing record (now 0- 6) intact, falling to the Cal Poly Mustangs, by a score of 30-24. Double Dang, YES?  If it's any consolation, Wildcats fans... for the sixth straight week in a row, the Wildcats DID beat the points spread, thanks to a "muffed" Cal-SLO extra point attempt. Contact your bookie right now, 'Cats fans... and demand that he immediately pay up. :-)

Update 10/12/14 6:00 a.m.:  The Standard provides the grisly post game story:

Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Standard Examiner: 1st Congressional District Showdown - Updated

In the Fall, Fire them All!

Due to yesterday's "game-changing" news, wherein the most severe crackpot "haters" got their derrieres kicked to to curb, we have a couple of Sunday Standard-Examiner 2014 Utah General Election stories which got diverted to the back burner.  Here ya finally go, however folks.  Better late than never, we hope.

Check out these two most excellent Cathy McKitrick 2014 Utah General Election stories, which shine the spotlight on the two "major party" candidates (Rob Bishop and Donna McAleer) in the ongoing Utah Congressional District 1 race, based upon interviews with Standard-Examiner staff:
Blockbuster Top Question and Answer of the two-candidate series, in our never humble opinion?
Question: "What would you ask your opponent?"
Donna McAleer: “Do you really want this job, Congressman Bishop, because you seem quite bored and not engaged in delivering results for Utah."
Added Bonus 5:20 p.m.:  Check out Libertarian candidate  Craig Bowden's responses, which he graciously provided us earlier this afternoon, upon extremely short notice:
Our take with respect to Mr. Bowden's candidacy?  Keep an eye on this guy, as a viable alternative to the other three.

In connection with Rep. Bishop's extended time in Congress, we do believe that the feisty Ms. McAleer raises a salient point, which is artistically well-illustrated by Pat Bagley, the Trib's "Cartoonist on Residence." in this recent and totally boffo SL Trib "editorial cartoon," which pretty well captures Bishop's Congressional attitude, wethinks:

For our own part, we'll remind our readers of the ever-most important principle for which all "concerned" political wonks operate, those who are concerned with good government, that is:

Here are the web links to the other two (third-party) candidates whom the Standard inexpicably left outta the whole discussion, BTW:
Be sure to check them out too, despite the fact that the Standard refuses to admit that they even exist.

Just another helpul hint from yer old pal Rudi.

Monday, October 06, 2014

Breaking: Same-sex Marriage Petitions Denied By U.S. Supreme Court - Updated

Supremes say to Utah, "Stop! In the Name of Love"

Heartening news for supporters of Utah marriage equality, as the US Supreme Court "this morning issued additional orders from its September 29 Conference. Most notably, the Court denied review of all seven of the petitions arising from challenges to state bans on same-sex marriage. This means that the lower-court decisions striking down bans in Indiana, Wisconsin, Utah, Oklahoma, and Virginia should go into effect shortly, clearing the way for same-sex marriages in those states and any other state with similar bans in those circuits":
"Last month Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg had suggested that the Court might not step into the controversy at this point, because there was no disagreement among the lower courts on that issue. Today her prediction proved true, with the Court denying review (without any comment) of the seven petitions."

Read an expanded morning analysis via the New York Times:
"Supremes say to Utah, 'Stop! In the Name of Love,'" in other words.

(H/T to Cousin Jim, for the clever thematic twist.)

Update 10/6/14 9:45 a.m.: "One thing that should be noted is that there are still marriage equality cases pending before conservative circuits that could rule against equality. Nevertheless, the fact that marriages are likely to begin very shortly in the states currently subject to court orders will make it very difficult for the Supreme Court to reverse course — and retroactively invalidate those marriages — in a subsequent opinion:
Update 10/6/14 10:30 a.m.:  Over at the wacky Sutherland Institute "Think Hate Tank," there's the predictable "wailing and gnashing of teeth":
"We will be stubborn,"  The Sutherland Institute sez

Saturday, October 04, 2014

Utah AG Candidate Andrew McCullough: "A Change is Gonna Come"

Vote for the best AG candidate; you know, just for once

In connection with our upcoming November 4, 2014 Utah elections, we'll present this:

Check out Utah Attorney General Candidate Andrew McCullough's most excellent new blog post, which further fortifies your blogmeister's belief that Andy McCullough  is by far the best 2014 choice for Utah Attorney General. Don't get all "pissy," my Demo and GOP friends. Andrew MCullough is clearly the best 2014 Utah AG choice to to clean up the mess that Mark Shurleff and Swallow (and particularly) that GOP-FAWNING little GOP "suckup"candidate, i.e., Sean Reyes, hasn't yet cleaned up:
Please read, and fully absorb it.

Andrew McCullough clearly speaks the truth. and nothing but the truth.

Please try to do something bold and useful in your lives for once, Utah voters. Use the brains that your "Gawd" gave you. Ditch your knee-jerk "major party" affiliations... in the 2014 Utah AG race... at least.

Please vote for the best AG candidate... you know, just for once?

Weber County Forum College Gameday Special: USU Whips BYU, Whilst WSU Takes the Weekend Off to Re-group - Updated

BYU starting quarterback suffers leg fractures, will have surgery Saturday morning

Our Weber State Wildcats will be  sitting it out this afternoon, during this week's Big Sky Conference scheduled bye week; but we'd still like to report one Utah college football result, which ought to be of extreme interest to Northern Utah College Football fans.  After last night's exciting gridiron action, we offer offer our heart-felt congratulations to the Utah State Aggies, who pulled a miraculous "rabbit out of their hats," with last night's 35-20 victory over the #18-ranked BYU Cougars, right there in the Zoobies' "hallowed home turf." The Standard and the Trib have the story:
Best wishes to the "undeniably awesome" Taysom Hill, whom we hope will experience a speedy and complete recovery.

Sodden Question, Will BYU Coach Bronco Mendenhall reconsider the folly of mis-using his erstwile "Heisman Trophy Candidate" star quarterback as a "power runner," when Hill returns to the field in 2015?

Alternate query: Does Mendenhall even possess the coaching skill to reshuffle his BYU offense, and salvage his season, just as USU coach Matt Wells appears to have successfully done this year?

Who knows?  Maybe even the mighty Utah Utes will gain some useful inspiration tonight, by the virtue of USU's starling Friday night victory

Don't let the 'Cat get your tongues, O Gentle Ones.

Update 10/04/14 11:45 p.m.: More good Utah football news concerning your blogmeister's favorite University, which coincidentally happens to be your blogmeister's beloved alma mater:
In truth, today was a tough day for "top-rated" college football programs all across the board:
Too bad our Weber State Wildcats had to sit this weekend out, and thereby miss all the fun, No?

Friday, October 03, 2014

Weber County Forum Friday Morning News Roundup

A few notable news stories which have been languishing on our WCF back burner

In the interest of kicking off any possible Friday Weber County Forum discusssion (on an otherwise sl-o-o-o-w news day), we're reeling out for your perusal a few notable news stories which have been languishing on our WCF back burner

1) With 10 felony charges hanging over his head, we'll guess that opportunities in the legal profession are a mite thin.  Nevertheless we learn that former Attorney General Mark Shurtleff isn't letting any grass grow under his feet, as the Salt Lake Tribune reports on Shurtleff's latest legal representation venture:
Former Attorney General Mark Shurtleff attended Tuesday’s state liquor commission meeting, working as legal counsel for a new Orem-based business he owns with his brother.
Shurtleff and younger brother Kevin Shurtleff were requesting a special manufacturing permit for Now Neutraceuticals, which plans to make small aerosol inhalers that can quickly introduce different compounds — such as caffeine — into the lungs.
The inhaling solution includes a negligible amount of alcohol but still requires a special alcohol-use permit, which was unanimously approved by the five-member commission.
Read up, peeps;
Caffeine inhalers: Instant heart attack?

One Trib reader wryly sums it up: "Wow, from attorney general to general counsel for a 'huffing' enterprise'".

2) We've been relatively harsh critics of the Utah Transit Authority (UTA) for many years; so we're now pleased to observe that one Weber County Commissioner (Kerry Gibson) is jumping on the bandwagon, in the wake of the full Commission's unanimous decision "to bump [one] Utah Transit Authority request off the list before approving this year’s round of local transportation funding for a dozen other projects":
Check out the above story to learn about the other twelve road-building boondoggles which the commission did unanimously approve.

Seems the Weber County Commission never stumbled upon a transportation project they didn't fall in love with... well, almost.

3) With the 2014 Utah General Election rolling out in exactly a month, we're delighted to put the spotlight on this strong Salt Lake Trib editorial, which pulls no punches concerning Northern Utah's pending 1st District Congressional race:
"A new poll from shows that 81 percent of Utahns polled rated the job performance of the legislative branch as either somewhat or highly unfavorable. Nationally, 14 percent of voters approve of the job Congress is doing[...].Voters in Utah’s 1st Congressional District can do something about that in this election. They can send Donna McAleer to Washington," says the Tribune.

We'll be standing by with abated breath to find out whether strong editorials like this will aid in pulling Northern Utahns out of their paradoxical elective stupor.

4) To put a close to today's news roundup, we'll lodge, for our readers' attention, this truly remarkable Trib story, shining the spotlight on our truly remarkable Utah Lieutenant Governor,  Ya gotta admire Cox's boldness and candor:
We'll assume that Lt. Governor Cox may be unfamiliar with that oft-cited Ronald Reagan Eleventh Commandment, "Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican." We'll also presume that Lt. Governor Cox won't be receiving GOP backing for any other elective office any time soon. One thing's for sure: politics-wise, LT. Governor Cox is a true breath of fresh air.

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Big 2014 Campaign Event Tonight: Utah Attorney General Candidate Debate - Updated

Don't forget to mosey on back here later this evening, to share your post-debate notes, folks

Attention Weber County Forum Political wonks. Tonight's the night for the Utah Debate Commission's Utah Attorney General Candidate Debate, wherein Republican and Democratic Party candidates, Sean Reyes and Charles A. Stormont will square off  at 6:00 p.m. in the broadcast venues set forth below:

The Standard-Examiner carries this morning's online story on this topic for those WCF readers who'd like to bone up:
To refresh your recollection, these are the Utah Attorney General candidates who will appear on your November 4, 2014 Weber County ballots, by the way:

Attorney General
State of Utah - 4 year term
Declaration of CandidacyWebsite/Contact InfoCampaign Finance DisclosuresParty
Leslie D. CurtisLeslie D. Curtis Campaign WebsiteLeslie D. Curtis 2014Independent American
Gregory G. HansenGregory G. Hansen Campaign WebsiteGregory G. Hansen 2014Constitution
Andrew McCulloughAndrew McCullough Campaign WebsiteAndrew McCullough 2014Libertarian
Sean ReyesSean Reyes Campaign WebsiteSean Reyes 2014Republican
Charles A. StormontCharles A. Stormont Campaign WebsiteCharles A. Stormont 2014Democratic

Sadly, tonight's debate action will be limited to the GOP and DEMO opponents, as the Utah Debate Commission, in its "infinite wisdom", has cavalierly decided to exclude the three third-party candidates listed below, notwithstanding the fact that they've all qualified to appear on 2014 Weber County ballots:
Here's the UDC live video link, for those who'd prefer to view this event online:
And don't forget to mosey on back here later this evening, to share your post-debate notes, folks.

Update 10/02/14 6:15 a.m.: Both the Standard and Tribune carry brief reports on last night's debates:
ABC4 News provides the full recorded video:

Comments, anyone?

Update 10/3/14 11:45 a.m: Check out excluded UBC Libertarian AG candidate Andrew McCullough's withering post-debate retort:

Here's the "money quote":
I am the consummate outsider. I have never worked for the government, and I am not influenced by what government employees think is good for the government. I prefer to look at the job as legal counsel for the people of the State of Utah, and will work to promote their interests.
Awaken from your crackpot Sean Hannity stupor, O Utah voters.  The 2014 candidacy of Mr. McCullough represent the best opportunity to clean up the Utah Attonet General's Office, once and for all

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