Concerning Utah's new dual-track political nominations system, we're delighted to present more startling Dan Jones polling data made available this morning, via UtahPolicy.Com, Here's the lede, peeps:
The Utah State Republican Party has sued state government over a new law that provides a dual-track process for candidates to get on a party’s primary ballot, yet a new poll shows that only 19 percent of rank-and-file GOP voters want to keep the old caucus/convention system, favored by Republican insiders.Check out this morning's eye-opening story, O Gentle Ones:
The new Dan Jones & Associates survey was discussed Friday morning at the 6th annual pre-legislative conference sponsored by the Exoro consulting group and Zions Bank.
Utah State University also participated in the new survey, which next week will be detailed in a number of UtahPolicy stories. So stay tuned.
That's right, folks! Even rank and file Utah Republicans do not support the Utah GOP's SB54 Bait&Switch.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it, reactionary Utah GOP crackpots. We do believe the Salt Lake Tribune capably called it, with last week's strong editorial:
We'll be standing by with great interest during the upcoming 2015 legislation session, as extremist and ham-fisted Utah legislators, such as Weber County's own Senator Scott Jenkins set the stage to thwart the "will of the people."