Today's Lynze Wardle article contains delightful campaign tidbits from each of the four candidates running for Fasi Filiaga's Ward 3 seat.
Among them, candidate Steve Larsen has a "secret plan," (which has an eerie "feel" about it, reminiscent of another secret plan, in another American era far, far away.) Ron Hale admits that he needs "more information," (which is not a reassuring thing to hear from a council candidate at this late stage of a primary campaign.) Doug Stephens, the article notes, was the candidate who failed to stop the Filiaga juggernaut when now-retiring incumbent Filiaga first ran for the city council in 1998. And candidate Mitch Moyes says, among other things, that he plans to "open a driver's training school" sometime in the future. This latter platform plank will no doubt be a real vote-getter, for those of us who navigate the streets and byways of Weber County, demolition-derby style, practicing the ultra-defensive and self-preservation-intense driving skills that white-knuckled local drivers necessarily develop in order to safely drive from local place to place.
I've added this story to the Weber County Forum sidebar, along with the other similarly information-rich Std-Ex articles that have been run in recent days on the topic of the Ogden city council race. Be sure to check the whole candidate info section out before you head to the polls on Tuesday to vote out all the council incumbent "rubber stamps." There's lots of good information there.
Comments, gentle readers?