I received a nice email yesterday afternoon from one of our gentle readers, thanking me for the candidate information that I've included in our Weber County Forum sidebar. She'd just returned from the city recorder's office, she reported, having already cast her absentee ballot. She went on to say that she had cast her vote, at least in part, based on information contained in the WCF candidate roster section. So it would appear that my significant labors in establishing this informational feature are actually paying off.
In that connection I'll also note that I've added some additional informational sections, including critical 2005 Ogden municipal election dates and deadlines, as well as a link to a Weber County Clerk's web page, detailing important voter registration dates and procedures. I hope our WCF readers will find these features to be helpful.
If you have any questions about dates and procedures, please check out the information I've provided in the sidebar. In a similar connection, I'll also welcome suggestions as to the kinds of additional election information you'd like to see made available here.
On another note, I've finally succumbed to the continuing requests of some of our gentle readers to "ride herd" a little more closely on the discussions here. I suppose it's time that I did that, as we're now into day three of a little flame war that's been ongoing since early Wednesday morning. This action really goes against the grain for me, as I'm a zealous advocate of unrestricted free speech. Recent developments have unfortunately demonstrated, however, that there are always a very few individuals who will push a "good thing" to its limits, thus ruining it for everyone.
I've thus composed off the top of my head a written list of prohibited conduct, which I've labeled Comment Posting Policy The provisions of this policy will be in force from here on out. Words cannot express how personally distasteful it is for me to be compelled to do this. Nevertheless, I've put far too much energy into developing this site to allow it to deteriorate into the condition of a Yahoo chatroom late on a Friday night. Having said that, I'd also like to emphasize that the conduct of the vast majority of the posters here continues to be civil and decorous. It's only two or three individuals who seem to be causing the problems here. They know who they are, and so do I.
I've also added a link to this forum policy document to the right sidebar, for the future reference of folks who wonder why their posts may have suddenly disappeared. This will be my last comment on this subject. This is not a topic which will be open to discussion.
Thank you very much.