Wednesday, January 30, 2008

House Bill Would Allow One Favored Water Company to Ignore the Law

All income producing companies in Utah are "special;" -- Some however are of course more special than others

By: Gentle Curmudgeon

Ah, Utah...

A House committee has just approved a bill that would permit private companies to decide whether or not they will obey county-wide ordinances. From the Standard-Examiner's Mid-day Update:

Bill would help private company avoid flouride

HOLLADAY -- A House committee approved a bill that would let shareholders of a private company decide whether to comply with a local law that requires flouride in drinking water.

Salt Lake County voters approved a referendum in 2000 requiring flouride. But Holliday Water Co., a private company that serves 15,000 people, has declined to comply.

The Salt Lake Valley Health Department spoke against the bill, which was approved, 5-4, Tuesday. Officials see flouride as a matter of oral heath.

The county and Holliday Water are locked in litigation over the flouride issue.
Once again, the Republican majority's "the people be damned" philosophy comes to the fore. Wonder how many of them are investors in, or have enjoyed Jazz games and meals courtesy of, the Holliday Water Co.?

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