Thursday, January 31, 2008

Yet Another Nod to Rep. Neil Hansen

HB114 stalls in House committee

By Curmudgeon

Yet another nod to Rep. Neil Hansen {D-Ogden). He's introduced a bill in the legislature to "to give annual cost of living increases to the state's lowest-paid workers - those making minimum wage.... Rep. Ben Ferry, R-Corinne, asked Hansen why he wanted to separate Utah from the federal system. "Several states have different minimum wages higher than the federal standard," Hansen replied. "In fairness to those making minimum wage - some are trying to provide for families - and inflation rises but the minimum wage does not."

Of course, in the Republican-controlled House Business and Labor Committee, Hansen's bill didn't have a chance. The Majority members took enough time away from attending Jazz games on free tickets provided by lobbiests, and from stuffing their craws at up-scale eateries, with businesses groups picking up the tab, to kill Hansen's bill in committee. What a surprise. Next time the boys are off on a golfing trip paid for by business lobbyists, they can all discuss how awful it is that those making minimum wage expect handouts like cost of living adjustments. Buncha damn commies, clearly. However, when the legislators consider yet another legislative pay raise, as they will, we will hear from them about how the cost of living keeps going up, so they need a boost in pay. The committee adjourned without acting on it, only two members objecting.

Good on Hansen, yet again. Tilting at windmills in the right-wing-nut dominated Republican Utah House, of course, but its worth making the effort and exposing their hypocrisies.

The story is in today's Salt Lake Trib.


Anonymous said...

Hell Curm, it's the republican way. Keep the little guy down and humble, begging for the crumbs that the rich lard assed Republicans distribute sparingly.

I think Reagan called it trickle down economics.

Keep em pregnant and barefoot, they'll never get away or stray.

Anonymous said...

The Guv wants to give any teacher who can teach science or math an extra $5 grand a year plus another raise for all the rest of the teachers is on his agenda.

I am getting nauseated with his special plea for teachers.

According to figures released recently the average wage plus perks for a teacher in Utah is $47,000.00 per year for a 9 month job.

For a state that doesn't like unions why do the education unions get such attention???????
And results.

I do not see how people trying to live on a minimum wage can survive. Inflation has hit in case you haven't noticed.

While I am criticizing the Guv I will also take exception to his plan for health care coverage for children.

Entitlement programs are what got our Federal Budget in a bind and will bankrupt the nation unless big cuts are made sooner rather than later.

Just because Romney got health care coverage for children passed in Michigan, Huntsman does not need to compete with Romney in order to brag about what he did for kids in Utah on his next run for office.

These guys think taxpayers have endless resources to pay for all things.

This and RDA hogwash is too much. I need an alka-seltzer.

Anonymous said...

Shut up already!!!!

Just give all the tax money to the rich. Because their smarter and better than the rest of us.

The rich will build roads and teach their employee, secure the boarders, stop gays, give us guns, and get Osam Binladen.

Anonymous said...


Romney got health care for children passed in Massachusetts, not Michigan. In fact, as I recall, he got a health care package for more than just children passed. Of course, now that he wants the Republican nomination for the presidency, he's backing away from what he did on health care in Massachusetts, just as he's backing away from his stand there on gay rights, and on abortion. Sadly, I suspect if he though the Whacko Right that runs his party favored legalizing pot, he'd come out in favor of that too. There doesn't seem to be much commitment there to much of anything beyond making Mitt Romney president.

As for the $5K for math and science teachers, two points:

1. The Utah teachers organization opposes the extra 5K for math and science teachers. It opposes different pay scales according to subject, so if you don't like the plan, don't blame this one on the Utah teachers organization. [Which, by the way, is not a union.]

2. Republicans argue pretty regularly that "the market" is and should be the regulator of prices and wages. If there is a particular scarcity of science and math teachers, raising the "bid price" for them seems to be the market-based way to deal with the problem, que no?

Anonymous said...

Hey Pain, I didn't know Boston was in Michigan? Romney's a joke. This guy got rich by buying,gutting and selling U.S. companies, taking all of the money offshore to avoid paying taxes and sending U.S. jobs over seas and to Mexico. He only knows how to eliminate jobs, not create them. As for Huntsman and the rest of the idiot neocons in the Utah legislature, they are scrambling to protect their healthcare profiteers that support them before a new democrat president with a democratic congress upstages them. Most likely keeping Utah behind the rest of the country regarding access to healthcare and excessive profits. Just how many low wage earners do you know that can afford health insuranse? These folks won't be part of the governors plan, and I doubt giving them an exra couple of bucks an hour will allow them to buy insuranse.

Anonymous said...


You say that the UEA is not a union? I would like to hear your rationale for that one. My mother was in the UEA for 30 years and she sure thought it was a union. If it walks like a duck......

And as far as Romney goes, if he had the guts to come out and support legalizing pot you gotta believe he would win the whole enchilada! Hell I'd even vote for the turkey!! Not that I would ever touch the stuff myself, but if all the drunks were smoking pot instead of guzzling hooch we would have a lot less violence, aggression and traffic deaths in the country.

Anonymous said...

Oh, precious is the self-righteous blather of rich boys from Farmington! Do you have any traffic statistics about the incidences of pot-impaired drivers versus alcohol-impaired drivers, versus gondola-loving-soda-high drivers? Whatta douche!

Anonymous said...

"Not that I would ever touch the stuff myself..." You know what invoking this kind of Chickenshit High School qualifier makes you? Yeah, I'm guessing you got it. BTW, Ben Lomond or Bonneville, Mr. Hollywood?

Anonymous said...


Does it engage in collective bargaining? Is it recognized as the bargaining agent for teachers in the school districts of Utah? Not that I'm aware of, but I'd be happy to be corrected on this if I'm wrong. Most of the Teachers Ed Associations I'm familiar with act primarily as professional associations rather than unions. [The exceptions are the one's affiliated with Albert Shanker's old organization [the AFT?], but I think only about 10% of teachers are in it. Shanker did run a union. The NEA is not one.]

I've noticed that in the press here, most of those calling the UEA the "teachers' union" are Republican legislators or others of their ilk, doing it as a way of turning public opinion against the teachers. If you and I had a dime, Oz, for every time the Pro Voucher Mafia talked about "the teachers' union" in the voucher fight, we'd be having this discussion on a beach on Maui, with comely lasses bringing us cooling libations with little umbrellas in them, not here hunkered down wondering if we'll have to dig the driveway out... again... before going in to work on the morrow.

Anonymous said...


Apparently you are on the sauce tonight, you're showing your ass again! Your bitterness and jealousy is really not very attractive you know. Of course most drunks never do get that one. Given your evoking of local high schools, I am guessing that is the level you are stuck at. Is that when you started your stupid drunk routine?

Anonymous said...

Oh, no, Mr. Ozboy -- Farmington hypocrite of the first order -- thinks I am on the sauce! When I told him what exactly it is that I am on (hint: Pookie!). Answer me a question, good sir: When you, wrapped in your self-important flag of being poseur, write inane banter about Angelo's and the KoKoMo, are you one of those Geigerian voyeurs who got his kicks looking at other people, or have you actually stepped your rich-ass, phony-baloney foot inside either establishment? Naw, you probably went to church and snuck out for doughnuts during deacons' quorom, talking about it, but who's counting? You've shown yourself to be quite thin-skinned and otherwise extremely insecure. Go fly a plane in THE SKI. Oops! You can!


Anonymous said...

With getting involved in the invective-slinging, I'd just note that it is possible to support the de-criminalization of pot [on grounds that efforts to eradicate it or significantly reduce its presence over the last quarter century have failed miserably, cost billions, put thousands in jail ,costing millions more, on simple possession charges] and when a policy has failed for a quarter of a century at great cost to the Republic, it's time to try something else] without being a pot smoker.

I don't smoke anything, legal or otherwise. [Lucked out: neither of my parents smoked, and I never picked up the habit], and I think there's a good case to be made for de-criminalization "not that I would ever touch the stuff myself."

Anonymous said...

And I am jealous of you, Mr. Hollywood, and deeply so; jealous of everything you have attained and that which I long for; jealous of your wordly perspective and wisdom; jealous of your imperviousness to sauce and other intoxicants; jealous of your wisdom and fairness, especially that regarding Bob Geiger, who is interesting and will add a lot to Ogden's community, on which's bondaries you grew up, sitting on the sidelines, driving fancy cars at Bonneville High School and wishing you were actually in the shit; jealous of your ability to name-drop OTown watering holes when your contemporaries tell me you are full of shit and took the first train to Geigerville and Hollywood, looking longingly at drunks and fools who actually built this town. Get bent, clown, and keep cheering for the Geigers. Your act is over; people know the truth. You can call me a drunk all you like, but is that all you got? Tell me it ain't, Hollywood. Gimme something more. That's easy. Someone with your faux intellect and appropriated wit should know better.


Anonymous said...


Your posts tend to prove the old theory that too much gin really dumbs down the drinker of it while at the same time making them ever more convinced of their own brilliance.

Seems like OzBoy has rattled your chain. I used to know him and he has the ability to carve you up into little pieces if you push him to hard. You're way way out of your league little guy. Best to pour another one and just shut up.

Anonymous said...

Carve away! I know how much money Ozboy has; as for his ability, well, anyone with half a brain can read and write better. Pshhhaw! And what is this little shit? Jeezus! Is Ozboy mob-connected?

RudiZink said...

Step away from the keyboard, Jason.

And please put away the flask.

You have too fine an intellect to waste on this pathetic odd-ball tangent.

Anonymous said...

Pathetic? I own no flask, sir. But I will cede.

P.S.: Screw Ozboy.


Anonymous said...


That is exactly what your mother said!

Perhaps we ought to have a DNA test to make sure I don't have any idiot bastards running around town.

Anonymous said...

Oz, that last one was beneath all, lower than lying little matty and the God forsaken geigers, that your defense of caused most of this sillyness. Is the last word that important?

Anonymous said...

I don't know Bill, you seem to have gotten it, why don't you tell me.

While you're at it please show me one instance, any where any time, where I have defended Godfrey. The Geigers yes, Godfrey absolutely not. I see the Geigers as well meaning but seriously misled and blinded by the star dust that Godfrey seems to have sprinkled in their eyes. In any event I would take a Geiger any day over a stupid little drunk like Jason.

Maybe he ought to include you in the DNA test. You just might have an un-pleasant little surprise from your own fun loving past lurking around;-)

Anonymous said...

Oz, I do understand why Jason, Rudi and many others that have been thru this battle over the last 3+ years are offended by your defendinding the likes of potato nose and espcially short deck. I've witnessed many of their disrespectfull and overly aggressive actions first hand. I've physically had separate short deck's forehead from a concerned Ogden citizen that had the nerve to disaggree with him. I've seen the affore mentioned forehead thrust into those of women, accompanied by a copiuos volume of saliva spray hurled in anger.
Jason and Rudi worked hard for the cause against the geiger push to remove our public assets, what short deck tried in retaliation to both was inexcusable.
For the sanity of all, please refrain from defendinding these guys, if only out of respect for Diane, who felt very much the same as the rest of us where the geigers were concerned.

Anonymous said...


Hate the sin, love the sinner.

I certainly do not approve of most of what the Geiger's have tried to do in Ogden, however I do not think they are the dark and evil personages that you, Rudi and Jason apparently do.

I also think that on balance I have heaped much more scorn on them than I have praise. By no stretch of anyones imagination could I be considered to be their friend. In fact the only communication I have ever had with Geiger senior is the glares he has shot my way whenever I have been in his presence. Never has a single word ever been spoken between he and me.

Perhaps if I had been the object of the same attacks that Rudi, Jason and others apparently were, I would have a different attitude toward them. But I wasn't and I don't.

Do you mean to imply that if your enemies are not mine then I am yours?

Anonymous said...

Oz, that's not what I'm implying, I'm just requesting , out of courtesy that you restrain alittle.

Anonymous said...

I think you might have to explain that one to me Bill. Out of courtesy you want me to quit being courteous to the Geigers? I am also a bit baffled as to what you want me to "restrain a little" from? It is not like I am promoting them or their cause. I would guess that for every ten posts I have made where I mentioned them, at least nine have been pretty aggressive attacks. In fact, with the exception of this thread, I haven't said anything at all about them for a long time now.

I don't like what they stand for any more than you do, but their guy did win the election and we are apparently stuck with them for at least another four years. They are an element in our lives rather we like it or not.

By the way, does any one know the outcome of Bob's trial? Seems like he was supposed to go before da judge on the 28th of January?

Drop me an email if you want to explain or discuss this off site.

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