Get ready in November 2012 to vote in favor of the most significant improvement in Utah ethics/election law EVER!
News is a mite slow again today, so we'll fill up the info gap with an update from our good WCF friends at the completely awesome Utahns for Ethical Government (UEG) website:
The UEG definitely has the very most top-notch litigation lawyers in Utah, so poor ole Gary Herbert and his crooked neoCON buddy Greg Bell will be definitely screwed, if they continue to try to thwart the "Will of the People."
Get ready in Novenber 2012, people, to vote in favor of the most significant improvement in Utah ethics/election law EVER!
As an added bonus, check out this eye-opening YouTube video:
Don't be sleepy schmucks, Utah voters!
Put our sleazy current so-called Utah GOP legislative "leadership's" feet to the fire!
Keep on fighting!