Wednesday, June 05, 2013

John Swallow Political Corruption Update Episode 20: Sutherland Institute Calls For Swallow's Resignation

This latest development evokes for us images of "rats" and "ships," if you know what we mean; and we think you do
Because politics involves money, ego and power, even the best of us gets bedeviled by it all.
Paul Mero, President, Sutherland Institute
Swallow should put his office first and step down
June 4, 2013
There are few disappointments in politics worse than perceived, let alone real, corruption within law enforcement. John Swallow is the chief law enforcement officer in Utah, and precisely because I believe that he strives to be a man of integrity, he should step down.
Paul Mero, President, Sutherland Institute
Swallow should put his office first and step down
June 4, 2013

There's more bad news for beleaguered Utah Attorney General John Swallow, as the uber-conservative, LDS-oriented Sutherland Institute public policy "think tank" joins the Salt Lake Tribune, the Provo Daily Herald and the Spectrum in St. George and calls for the embattled Utah Attorney General's early retirement. Here's the story from the Deseret News:
And here's the straight skinny from the Sutherland Instute website, featuring, as an added bonus, a short (4 minute) Paul Mero audio clip:
First time we've agreed with Mr. Mero since... well... never.

So who'll be the next ultra-conservative formerly joined-at-the hip Swallow supporter to urge Utah's Attorney General to turn in his "walking papers?"  The Eagle Forum's Gayle Ruzicka, perhaps, whom Swallow once praised thusly (and we are not making this up), “When she passes, she’ll be going straight to the Celestial Kingdom”?

We'll be standing by with abated breath awaiting the Eagle Forum's next utterance on this topic, of course.

This latest development evokes for us images of "rats" and "ships," if you know what we mean; and we think you do.

Update 6/5/13 10:36 a.m.:  Via Andrew McCullough: KSL radio, the Doug Wright show, is running a web poll right now as to whether John Swallow should resign. The "yes" votes are 90%. If you have an opinion to express, go do it now:
Update 6/5/13 11:20 a.m.: The Trib's now all over this story, too:
Interesting local note: "[House Leg. Dist. 9] Rep. Jeremy Peterson, R-Ogden, has said he believes Swallow should take a leave of absence pending the outcome of a federal and state investigation."

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