Ya gotta know that it's a slow news day when a story like this makes the Standard-Examiner hard-copy edition front page, just as it did this morning:
Goat outfits are the current fashion rage, of course; why you can even buy a trendy goat costume on the internet.
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Ben Lomond Goatman |
Or is the Ben Lomond Goat Man merely making a bold fashion statement?
The world-wide blogosphere awaits our gentle readers ever-savvy remarks concerning this important topic.
Update 7/19/12 11:48 a.m.: Too funny. Fox News (Utah) is now all over this story too:
Stand by as this story goes viral, as Fox News reports that "this story ain't over yet."
Update 7/20/12 7:00 a.m.: The Standard is all over the goat man story again this morning, with this followup piece by intrepid SE reporter, Mr. Schwebke:
Sodden query: Are we getting a glimpse of what a hot Ogden news story will look like in the post-Boss Godfrey era?
Update 7/20/12 8:16 a.m.: Per Facebook friend Jamie Carter: "Goatman now has a fan page. He deserves it":
Update 7/24/12 10:00 a.m.: The tantalizing Ben Lomond Goat Man mystery has now been solved, according to the killjoys at the Standard and Trib, proving once again that some stories are better left to the imagination.:
Update 7/28/12 10:45 a.m.: Here's a followup column we're sure none of our WCF readers will want to miss:
Perhaps Mr. Medred makes a valid point.
Probably just a Sasquatch.
It would be nice if the article expressed some concern for the goats. I mean... sorry to be crude but this IS Utah =:/
concern for the goats? I'm not sure the S-E is in a position to bias their artickles to please the PETA people ... If there weren't hunts, there would be a LOT of carcasses lying around Stinking from the weak and starving animals which suffer much more and much longer than the ones that are taken by skilled hunters ... and the herds can thrive. Since everyone around here is so Against Wolves in Utah --- and don't seem to shed any tears over Shooting them at any cost, the natural predator part of the equation is way out of balance.
Uh Yeah. I think I'll just be skipping making any comments on this blog in future.
This odd little story actually originated on reddit the other day: http://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/wpbpb/amateur_wildlife_biologist_or_really_dedicated/
No, no, no, CB. Stick around. I thought your comment was right on point.
Good catch, Jen P. Thanx for the interesting link.
If the sightings are true, it’s very dangerous for the individual to be mingling with potentially aggressive billy goats, said Douglass.“Goats have killed people before,” he said. “You always need to use caution when near wild animals.”Any conflict with this guy and a goat will be very lopsided and far from help.
No worries ;)
whatever ... concern for the guy in a goat suit, perhaps for a Darwin award nomination: I've seen videos of guys dressed and Smelling like deer get attacked by the deer --- poor deers -- HAH!
Wasasquatch-getting away from the heat and into the cool mountains.
Oh quit pretending to be such A HARD BITCH!!!
Exacty right! even a Sasquatch band needs to cool off in the mountains after a four star concert performance!
If a wild animal was running around in his house or yard I would have more concern. But he's on their turf. And if he's stalking them for the hunt (which is quite a lopsided and far-from-help thing from the goats' perspective), I hope he gets what he deserves. You can't save people from their own stupidity, but the animals are just hanging out in their own space, doing what they do. Seriously I am always concerned for the animals when people go out in the wild and mess with them.
All that said, I was actually trying to make a joke in a "hide your livestock, there's a loony running around" kind of way.
"Whipping it out" is exactly what has caused conflicts with goats and people in the past-the goats are attracted to the salt left where people urinate.
Question though, what does he "deserve" if he's a hunter?
All the rights, previleges and Responsibilities that go with being a good, conscientious and serious hunter ....
If he's running around in a goat suit to hide from and prospect potential hunting zones, methinks he needs to go back and learn some more about responsible hunting before attempting this again
And be careful, he may find an amorous he-goat takin a liking to him, then what a pickle he'll be in! LOL!
BB, the HB
Are only animals allowed in the "Wild"?
I don't recall saying that. I'm and avid hiker an trail runner myself. Maybe you should go read my comment in full and cogitate on it. Seems you folks have a serious chip on your shoulder, just looking to be hostile. Enjoy that.
It makes more sense than all of the people wearing camo clothing wandering around the mall.
Cathrine, couldn't reply below so am inserting here. "You people"...what kind of people are we specifically?. Not sure why you're so touchy. Seems to permiate of all your posts not just on this web site but on the Standard etc. In fact I consider you my female counterpart..the AWF if you will. It was a question...nothing more. Deep breaths Cathrine..deep breaths. not everyone on the internet is your enemy, even if they do eat meat.
Well "AWM" you have me at a serious disadvantage as you seem to know who I am but I have no idea who you are. I didn't say "you people" I said "you folks" who seem to just be looking for me to make some mis-step so you can jump all over it. It's exactly why I rarely post on the S-E site anymore, I don't need it.
I'm friends with Rudi on Facebook and wanted to support this blog by offering what I thought was a silly barnyard humor comment about kooks who dress up in goat suits. I got one major tirade about wolves (I've blogged about the wolf de-listing, ya'll should know who I am by now and if you don't.... http://blogs.standard.net/in-a-gadda-da-vegan). I hate PETA more than any of you can imagine. But still with this silly question about whether only animals are allowed in the wild, and what do I think hunters deserve... and I haven't said anything about eating meat so why is that a thing?Why the ration of sh*t?? I'm a holder of various unpopular opinions but I'm not by nature a contentious person looking to argue with anyone here or anywhere else. And no one in person would ever talk to me the way anonymous people do online, they'd be ashamed of themselves. Ask anyone who knows me.
Unbelievable imagination!
CB: I'm fast coming to the conclusion that some of our readers didn't actually "get" the joke.
You know people... "Utah, where men are men, and the goats are ..."
Pretty funny comment, I thought.
"And if he's stalking them for the hunt (which is quite a lopsided and far-from-help thing from the goats' perspective), I hope he gets what he deserves."
I curiously asked what it is he deserves.
If the stats I heard are correct, 25% rural teenage males have had relations with one of their animals. I have a good friend who grew up on a farm in central Utah, surrounded by sheep ranches-says it's accurate.
Well I guess if you provoke wild animals who could ram you, stomp on you or otherwise maim you, that stupidity is its own reward. If you came into my turf to stalk me so you could kill me later, how much sympathy would you deserve if I butted you off a cliff before you could do it?
There are all kinds of justifications for hunting, I've heard them all, I grew up in a hunting household. It's not personal I'm just opposed to killing. All killing. I think humanity needs to evolve past violence. We boast a large cranium but resort to brute force to solve almost every problem we face.
Raping animals is linked to penis cancer. I think these guys get what they deserve too.http://www.livescience.com/16903-sex-animals-bestiality-penile-cancer.html
Actually a reply to Cat ... I grew up in a hunting family also ... my father always went with the intention of filling our freezer ... and violence was never an issue; in fact, when he taught me to hunt he made sure I knew the best 'quick-kill' shots to make the animal's passing as painless and humane as possible.
Every gun is loaded ,,, Don't point it anything you don't intend to shoot ,,, Don't shoot anything you don't intend to kill ,,, Don't kill anything you don't intend to eat.
Having gotten off on a bad foot and Despite Rudi calling me a "Hard Bitch" --- I apologize if you got the impression I thought you were a PETA lover or a Wolf hater ... I was (as you were) merely commenting on the thread.
And my bad for not getting the joke.
Ahem, BB:
"... pretending to be..."
Big diff, hehehe...
IRL, everyone knows you have a heart of gold, of course.
It's all good BB :)
I know there are many hunters who don't inflict unnecessary suffering to animals, and they do it for food, I get that, my dad is exactly like that too. Of course I love my dad even though I am opposed to hunting. Likewise he disagrees that I could ever be healthy without eating meat, impervious to the fact that I am pretty much the healthiest person in my family. LOL. Somewhere in the middle we agree on good beer and potatoes.
So again nothing personal.
Rudi: I really dislike this format were replies are squeezed to the right until the reply link is no longer visible. Is there a user fix?
Catherine: I cruise KSL occasionally (don’t judge me Rudi) and have run across your replies there because you comment on topics I’m interested in. Cruelty & maltreatment of animals, hunting topics, delisting of wolves etc. Probably would surprise you but our positions are almost identical on those. I really was not trolling you when I asked about “Are only animals allowed in the "Wild"?” I read your “Their turf” to mean that your position was humans should be excluded and I had not seen you take this stance in any of your replies on KSL and was seeking clarification as I would have taken issue with that. For the reason you’re stopping to post on KSL I never started. They have a small cadre of insufferable individuals who are incapable of having enjoyable discourse if your position runs counter to theirs. 3 pseudonyms come to mind immediately. Unfortunately you’ve had numerous interactions with them and in the course of those interactions you’ve voiced your stance on eating meat, which was then used by them to fan the flames of belligerent replies. My reference to meat was a poorly placed/articulated quip (it appears) in reference to those discussions. Might also point out at this time that that all of your posts on KSL that I remember reading I “liked” clicked.
Rudi runs a tight ship. Trolls are shot on sight at WCF, overwhelmingly the discourse around here is polite, and as our crown jewel we have Curmudgeon (Becker as he’s currently known). Stick around, WFC has a tendency to get bogged down primarily in O-town politics and can be somewhat one dimensional at times (But that was by the founders design). Would be nice to get into an spirited and entertaining (but polite and informative) discussion now and then about some of the topics mentioned above. Welcome Catherine
More press for Goatman-
"a man wearing a fury goat suit, cloth mask, papier-mache horns, and leather gloves."
I'd really be interested to see a good picture of his costume, sounds pretty elaborate.
"Rudi: I really dislike this format were replies are squeezed to the
right until the reply link is no longer visible. Is there a user fix?"
I've now changed the comments settings to a "
Thread Max Depth" of "three," rather that the "four" depth that had been set previously. This will help prevent extended "nested" replies from concatenating so far to the right, and will be more aesthtically pleasing; but the "reply" feature won't appear once comments have reached the third tier. This is built into the Disqus system, I'm afraid, so there's no other "user fix." sorry.
For your info, btw, now that Boss Godfrey is in the past tense, it's out game plan to expand the breadth of discussion to go far beyond "all things Ogden."
If you'd like to start up an new topic on your own, send me a proposed article or a suggestion via the email link at the top of our right sidebar. I regularly publish reader submissions; and I'd like to encourage all WCF readers to help WCF remain reader driven.
I have come to the conclusion that this guy signed up for the worst singles dating site ever.
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