Wednesday, August 29, 2012

2012 GOP Convention - Day II - Updated

Added bonus: A few post-Day One news tidbits to spark a little WCF conversation/discussion

Tonight's the second nite of the 2012 GOP National Convention, folks.  And if you think the big party's all over, inasmuch as Mitt Romney already secured the GOP presidential nomination last night... you ain't seen nuttin yet.  Tonight's the night when all the other extreme GOP wackos will be marched out to rant on and have "their own day in the GOP political sun." Watch "it" tonight on C-SPAN and be amazed:
We couldn't be more impressed by C-SPAN's coverage, BTW, a place where the live gavel-to gavel coverage isn't interrupted by the incessant bleatings and posturings of the pathetically self indulgent Major Media "talking heads."

And here are a few post-Day One news tidbits to spark a little WCF conversation/discussion, as we embark upon the 2012 GOP Convention Dog and Pony Show Day Two :
      Update 8/30/12 5:30 a.m:  The Salt Lake Tribune carrries three items concerning GOP V.P. nominee Paul Ryan, who was the closing speaker at last night's convention session; and the Standard provides a danged good editorial, focusing on tonight's Mitt Romney coronation acceptance speech:
      Don't let the cat get yer tongues...

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