Odd that the Salt Lake Tribune scooped the Standard on this Ogden City-centered story; but, weirdly enough, they did. "The Ogden Police Department is asking city residents to rate their performance, Cathy McKitrick reports." The online survey’s 20 questions range from "How safe do you feel when walking alone in your neighborhood after dark?" to "In the past year, would you say the overall quality of community living in your neighborhood has increased, decreased or stayed about the same?" and "Overall, how satisfied are you with the Ogden Police Department?"
Read the full Trib story here:
You can access the survey via this direct link:
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"Determine needed areas of concentration?" |
If you'd like to submit your input anonymously, skip the last two "optional" questions. Smart phone users might also want to consider disabling your mobile device's GPS tracking function entirely, if you know what we mean; and we think you do.
You know what to do, folks. Do it on the net.
Way WAY of topic, but news of perhaps some interest to the properly brought-up:
There is yellow sweet corn for sale at the Ogden Farmers Market. No, not the godless communist socialist wishy-washy can't make up its mind un-American salt-and-pepper variety, but real American honest-to-god yellow sweet corn, like Flying Spaghetti Monster intended. The Allred Family Garden has it. It being the only vendor there selling real yellow sweet corn, they're nearly sold out. Only about a dozen or so ears left. Move fast. They're expecting a new crop in in a couple of weeks though.
Real yellow sweet corn at the Ogden Farmers Market at last! It's a miracle!
I hope they share the results.
Just read the article. I'm glad the Utah Liberty Institute and the Stewart and Hill families efforts might have spurred this.
[This is not a particularly well-designed survey.]
Do whaddya expect from Boss Godfey's still-in-place "A Team, Bob, who are de-facto still runnin' the Ogden show, whilst asleep at the wheel Mike Caldwell is off riding his bicycle?
I see blightering idiots have increased the production values of their YouTube productions. Love the shot of Nazi Storm troopers parading before a White House decked out in swastikas and the claim that we're but moments away from that happening. Un huh. Right. As a trailer for the latest fevered paranoia from the strange world of Andrew Card, this might work. As anything else, just plain silly.
I took and completed the survey for Ogden Police feedback. But who will interpet the results? Will any non police be allowed to see the results?. Or, as i fear may happen, will the data will be interpeted to show the results the OPD and city adinistration want to see?
Hardly matters. As a non-random poll, its results, whatever they may be, are unlikely to be statistically valid as a snapshot of Ogden public opinion on policing.
I disagree. A poll, conducted by a Ogden city department is of interest to all Ogden citizens. Since no other polls seem to be available we will have to depend on the results of this poll. My concern is that results will be interpeted by the OPD and administration to reinforce their preconceived ideas. When a more accurate poll is available then its results will matter. Until then this is all we have to rely on.
I'm with you BR. Any resulting output from this "poll" would be interesting to consider, even though it might not conform to the most stringent polling standards.
"Love the shot of Nazi Storm troopers parading before a White House decked out in swastikas and the claim that we're but moments away from that happening. Un huh. Right". Bob, on 9 Nov 1938 many of my immediate relatives in the old country two generations removed were probably saying something along those lines, albeit not the part about the White House..Then of course they woke up the day after Kristallnacht and swore they never saw it coming. Just because someone's paranoid doesn't mean they aren't correct.
This is the USA 2013, not Germany 1929. And there is no...I repeat no... evidence that President Obama or his Cabinet or advisers or his party in Congress wants to, or has ever wanted to, stage a putsch, seize power by other means than election, overthrow the Constitution, open concentration camps, arrest his political opponents, silence criticism, suspend the Bill if Rights etc. Nor any evidence that he has ever held any such ideas or desires or is making preparations for such. Zilch. Nada. Nothing There is no Obama "Mein Kampf."
Is everybody Blind?
Bob. I didn't get all that from the video. I think the author/producer was drawing parallels with Nazi Germany via the clips to demonstrate the creeping militarism of our police forces and the seemingly ever worsening corrupt nature of our government (think NSA here). Never heard Obama mentioned once. On that note and closer to home as in my mind this video really seemed to zero in on the police and their over-stepping of the legal authority that the populace has entrusted to them. You could easily replace the Nazi clips with our Steward situation locally to make the videos point. Apparently Not ONE OPD officer took issue with showing up at Stewards home armed to the gills to arrest a non-violent, no former criminal record, honorably discharged, gainfully employed, tax payer who was growing a naturally occurring plant in its unrefined state, with no apparent plans to distribute. All on the testimony of an (at best) unreliable source with a spotty criminal history. Never mind that a judge said sure, sounds good to me and signed the warrant. That's a whole other issue. Not one of them said "you know, this isn't right and not what I signed up for". All legal mind you, and just like (drawing parallels to Nazi Germany again) those officers at Nuremberg saying "I was just following orders". Didn't wash then, shouldn't wash now. There was NO need for a peace officer dead, 4 or 5 more wounded, a citizen committing suicide and a local city divided and enraged about its PD's policies and use of blatantly excessive force. Take it for what you will but there are instances of this nature happening every day across all 50 states and people are NOT happy about it, nor should they be.
Rudi, can you move this reply under Bobs above. Posted this under the wrong vid.
Actually, AWM, your post DOES stand as a reply to Bob's. Due to the narrow display setup of our WCF comments section, reply comments are only nested three-deep.
Bob's an advocate for overreaching government anyway, so you can't really expect him to see the forest through the trees on this issue.
Since Bob will always tip his hand in favor of the government, he isn't going to come down on your side on this issue.
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