Saturday, January 12, 2013

Much Cognitive Dissonance in Ogden City These Days

It'll be interesting as to see how all these semi-diverse "stories" shake out, won't it, Ogden City lumpencitizens, no?
But Hill opened his front door and was met with six men who he said were dressed in black, with no police identifiers that he saw. Three had assault rifles, Hill said; two were carrying tactical shotguns.

But the chief is not ready to concede five of the officers carried assault rifles and shotguns in the 2 a.m. entry Dec. 20 at the home of Eric and Melanie Hill.
Ogden Police apologize for raid on wrong house
January 1, 2013

Two of the five or six officers he counted on his doorstep carried an M4 assault rifle, the same model he uses as an Army specialist with two tours in Iraq. “My wife and I asked them if the M4s were really necessary,” Billmire said. “I asked them if it was because of the shootings that have happened around the country and they only said ‘No, it’s just procedure.’ ”

AWOL soldier speaks out about search
January 11, 2013

Here's the SE article of the day on this subject:
It'll be interesting as to see how all these semi-diverse "stories" shake out, won't it, once Ogden City lumpencitizens and their gummint, including the "bulletproof"  Mayor Mike Caldwell set the investigative mechanisms in place to find out why the hapless Eric and Melanie family ought to have suffered life-long trama due to a ridiculous OPD error.

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