Monday, July 15, 2013

A UEG Call to Citizen Action: Support Campaign Finance Limitations This Week

Now is the time to support campaign finance limits

Via: Utahns for Ethical Government

Dear Friends:

This coming Wednesday, July 17, the Legislature's Interim Government Operations Committee will be hearing a proposal to limit campaign contributions. The proposal is sponsored by Republican Representative Kraig Powell and Democratic Representative Brian King.

Utah desperately needs such reform. We are only one of four states not to have some limitations. As friends of Utahns for Ethical Government, you know that we have long advocated and worked for such rules. A nonpartisan committee appointed by Governor Huntsman proposed such a solution. Current news in Utah demonstrates loudly the need for such reform.

We encourage you to act! Attend the meeting if you are able. Contact your legislators and tell them that you are supportive of the Huntsman Commission recommendations. Don't let the next few days pass without taking some action!

Government Operations Committee:
Wednesday, July 17, 9 a.m.
Room 445, State Capitol

For more information and specifics about the proposal, read the Salt Lake Tribune op-ed by Powell and King that appears today, Sunday, July 14, on p. 4 of the Opinion Section:
WE URGE YOU TO ACT THIS WEEK and hope for an overflow crowd at the committee meeting to show how much the public cares about campaign funding limits.


Utahns for Ethical Government Executive Committee
July 14, 2013

(Links added.)

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