Saturday, July 20, 2013

Bait & Switch Bonding Part Deux: "What Will Be Done With That Extra $700,000 of Pool Bonding Dough?"

As taxpayer rip-offs go, we're labeling this a “two-fer"

In our haste to showcase yesterday's Gentle Reader Smaatguy's very legitimate Weber County Library bonding gripe, there's another  nerve-jangling Standard-Examiner story which we did (unfortunately) leave on the back-burner yesterday. It's therefore time to play "catch-up" wethinks, now that we move into the pre-24th of July sometimes "Red Meat Lean" news cycle week-end. And what better time to do that when most of the other Utah journalists are slackin' off and enjoying the summer weather?

Here's the full text of yesterday's SE' companion"Ogden City Schools Pool Bonding" story, "peeps" wherein SE reporter Rachel Trotter asks the question: "What will be done with that extra $700,000" of taxpayer-extracted pool repair bonding dough?":
“If it is earmarked for educational purposes, why didn’t they just call it that instead of masking it in this pool bond? Ogden School District needs to be more accountable to the taxpayers of Ogden,” says Ogden resident Simon Post.

We already learned earlier that the Ogden City Redevelopment Agency was also quietly taking it's own "pound of taxpayer flesh," of course.

Therefore, as taxpayer rip-offs go, we'll go along with Mr. Post, and furthermore label this a "two-fer,"  with zero amount of hesitation.

And howbout YOU?

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