Sunday, July 12, 2009

Powder Mountain Update: The Beleaguered Powderville Residents Set Up a Citizens Rights Defense Fund

Helpful information for Weber County Forum readers who'd like to lend a helping hand in the ongoing fight against corporate tyranny

During the ongoing weekend lull in red meat Emerald City news, we thought it would be appropriate this morning to devote some space to revisit the Powder Mountain town incorporation matter, and to provide a quick update on developments in the interval since 2d District Court Judge Jones issued his oral ruling on June 16th. As Judge Jones predicted, "It's not going to matter what my ruling is. It's probably headed to the Supreme Court or Court of Appeals." This of course indeed appears to be exactly the direction this case is headed.

In that connection, we'd like to refer our readers to Larry Zini's Ogden Valley Forum article of July 5, wherein Larry makes a strong plea to OVF readers to make a donation to the newly formed Citizens Rights Defense Fund, which is actively seeking contributions to enable continued pursuit of the civil rights of the prospective citizens of Powderville.

For further information, be sure to visit CRDF's excellent and information-rich new website.

For those who who'd like to lend a helping hand and make a contribution to support the Powderville folks' noble fight, Larry also helpfully provides this information:
If you wish to contribute with a donation please send your check to:
Citizens Rights Defense Fund
PO Box 231
Eden, UT 84310
Or contact Darla Van Zeben 801-745-4740
Litigation isn't cheap, gentle readers; and the courageous folks of Ogden Valley, who are fighting like badgers to resist the forces of corporate tyranny, can obviously use all the generous support that they can get.

Hopefully readers of WCF will expand CRDF's donor base and join in the battle to Help Rescue the Powder Mountain Captives:

Your ever-gentle reader comments are invited, as always.

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