Saturday, March 20, 2010

Standard-Examiner: Candidates File; Caucuses Up Next

Breaking: Councilwoman Wicks files to run for a County Commission seat

The Standard-Examiner provides an informative 2010 General Election update this morning, with a detailed rundown of candidates who beat the Friday 5:00 pm. filing deadline for their 2010 election candidacies:
Candidates file; caucuses up next
Here's a real eye-grabber for the citizens of Emerald City:
Three people each have filed for the offices of clerk/auditor, treasurer and both commission seats.
Rep. Kerry Gibson is hoping to end his third term in the Utah Legislature by winning Ken Bischoff's Weber County Commission spot, but Ogden Councilwoman Amy Wicks is providing a Democratic challenger.
If ever there was potential for a robust reader discussion, it's this, we believe.

Looking into our Weber County Forum crystal ball, we're envisioning a possible scenario where even Boss Godfrey might consider pitching in a hefty donation to help his nemesis Amy move off the City Council and over to a County Commission seat, adding potential new meaning to the old ax, that politics makes for strange bedfellows.

Chime in folks; and provide your take on this astonishing new political development.

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