This morning's Standard-Examiner reports that the jet-setting Boss Godfrey has now returned from another "foreign trade mission," this time to our neighbor south of the border, Mexico. Unlike last January's China Mission, this trip was all cloak and dagger, and was not pre-publicized, so the Std-Ex fills in all the details after the fact. Read up. This morning's story is in standard Scott Schwebke format, of course, complete with the usual complement of glowing and optimistic quotes, self-congratulatory Godfrey utterances, and the obligatory "pat on the back" by the ever-fawning Godfrey sock-puppet, Councilman Stephenson:
• Mexico trip seen boosting OgdenAnd speaking of glowing quotes, we gotta confess we got an especially good chuckle outta this one:
Miguel Rovira, the state's regional director for the Americas for the Governor's Office of Economic Development, helped arrange Godfrey's visit to Mexico. Rovira praised the trade mission."It's extremely creative. The mayor understands his community and constituents," he said Thursday.So what about it gentle readers? Does Boss Godfrey's latest international foray demonstrate his solidarity with the Ogden lumpenfolke, as Mr. Rovira suggests? Will this week's Mexico trip actually (and miraculously) result in the creation of important Ogden jobs? Does it make sense for the mayor of our little Utah town to be embarking on repeated international "trade missions," just like the "big boys" in the Governor's Office? Or can we simply chalk it all up as another Godfrey pleasure junket, mainly intended to rack up Boss Godfrey frequent flyer miles on the lumpencitzens' dime, and to relieve the poor little feller from the boredom of actually performing his elective job, after a grueling ten years of "service," which at this point may be "wearing on him?"
We dunno, gentle readers.
Perhaps a few of our gentle readers can shed some light on the true meaning of all this.