No place else in the country, to my knowledge, is as an entire state willing to ignore the real birth date of the United States of America and just call it another day
By: Perhaps I'm Easily Offended
Is anyone else offended, or bothered, or even just intrigued by Utah’s celebration of the Fourth of July on the 2d, or the 3d, or the 5th, or any day other than the 4th ? Just because it falls on a Sunday?
Isn’t it odd that in this land of the red white and blue super-conservative-liberty-loving-flag-waving-hyper-patriot, the damned state can’t even get the country’s birth date right?
The 4th of July is the 4th of July is the 4th of July. Period. It’s a national holiday. Independence Day. The 4th of July. Not the 2d, 3d, or 5th. The FOURTH.!
If you want to spend your morning or your afternoon in church and miss the parade, fine. Do it. But don’t move MY parade, or MY celebration breakfast, or MY flyover, or MY town picnic, or MY fireworks to some other day because you want to (or have to) spend the day in church.
No place else in the country, to my knowledge, is as an entire state willing to ignore the real birth date of the United States of America and just call it another day. Just another Utah Sunday. Other places in the country have religions, and churches, and most of them have services on Sunday. Even on the Fourth of July. And they don’t move the holiday.