Ogden meetup with Peter Corroon on 8/14/10
By: BAT-girl
The Corroon for Governor Campaign is open for business in Weber County! And our business is restoring the values of our great state and getting government back to the basics on which this state was founded – honest, ethical, reasonable and accountable government.
The Ogden office will be hosting an office opening party this Saturday, August 14th at 10:00 a.m. Mayor Peter Corroon will be in attendance to open the office and discuss issues important to Utah residents. Please feel free to stop by and meet with Mayor Corroon and other candidates in Weber County.
For those of you in the area, or interested in this event, we hope to see you Saturday!
The office address is: 2444 Washington Blvd, Ogden, UT 84401 (directly across the street from the Egyptian Theater). For more information contact : Joel Freston, Regional Field Director at: 801.452.5730
Visit Corroon Country here: Welcome to Corroon County
Editor's Note: All candidates for 2010 General Election offices (party partisan or unaffiliated) are invited to post details of their campaign events here.