The Standard reports on last night's bi-partisan "deal," whereby our U.S. Congress pulled a rabbit out of its hat and voted to reopen and fund the government into January:
The Washington Post reports on the respective Senate and House votes:
The Senate voted on a bipartisan bill to reopen the government and extend the debt ceiling. The final tally was 81-18.
- Votes to end the government shutdown - U.S. Senate
The House voted to end the government shutdown and raise the debt ceiling late Wednesday night, by a final tally of 285-144.
- Votes to end the government shutdown - U.S. House of Representatives
Notable among the Congress-critters who voted against the last-minute "deal" were the following members of our Utah congressional delegation:
- Representative Rob Bishop
- Representative Jason Chaffetz
- Representative Chris Stewart
- Senator Mike Lee
And via the Standard-Examiner, we'll raise the sodden question:
(Hint: the correct answer is "yes.")
So what about it O Gentle Ones? Is your blogmeister the only one who's feeling "warm and fuzzy" this morning?
Update 10/18/13 4:23 a.m.: the Trib chimes in this morning with this top-flight editorial
This handy graphic scorecard displays the final results: