Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Council Meeting Sans Fireworks

City Council Notes - 10/21/08

By George K.

Last night’s council meeting went rather quickly and was mundane compared to the last two weeks. I’m sure the council appreciated that fact. The council set the date December 16, 2008 for a public hearing of Ordinance 2008-56 which reclassified as Central Business District Zone/Conditional Overlay Zone from a multiple residential zone the property at 2260 Adams Ave. for a parking lot for Midtown Medical Center. After public hearings were conducted and there were no negative comments, the council approved the vacation of a narrow strip of land on the east side of Ogden Avenue, but reserved the right-of-way for utilities. They also annexed 15.04 acres approximately at 3047 Midland Drive.

The Council approved the proposed rate increases and fuel surcharge for taxicab drivers. They also adopted Ordinance 2008-50 to allow Pedicabs to operate in downtown Ogden. They also adopted Ordinance 2008-52 which amends the Ogden City Code Subsection 5-16b-3 to increase the insurance requirements.for Transportation Providers.

The council authorized refunding of Industrial bonds for Albion Manufacturing Technologies and reissuance of those bonds at the city’s lower rate.

The council moved into a closed executive session and I left so can’t report on the outcome.

Editor's addendum: We also learn from this morning's Standard-Examiner story that the council approved the hiring of Scott Waterfall as Ogden City's new Community and Economic Development Director, after the closed executive session mentioned above. Councilwoman Jeske also explained her own rationale for her approval of Mr. Waterfall's appointment, in last night's lower comment section.


Anonymous said...

If Mr. Waterfall is as ethical as Councilwoman Jeske indicates, it will be interesting to see how the mini-mayor deals with someone who doesn’t lie to the council. Waterfall may not last too long as that is the object he holds over everyone’s head who works for the city and why he tried to get rid of the Civil Service Commission. The police and firefighters are the only Ogden City employees who have any insulation from the vindictive and immature ass who runs the city.

Anonymous said...

If you're right, that's great news. Hopefully he doesn't fall to the dark side...

As for the outgoing Mr. Harmer, no mention in the SE of why he was leaving, but a nice quote from Godfrey about "big shoes to fill". How about the headline "Economic Development Director resigns in disgrace over Windsor mishap". :P

Anonymous said...

Maybe the Little Lord did have his thinking cap on with this appointment! As another poster mentioned on another thread - it is interesting that the mayor appointed a lawyer to this important economic development post. Given all the screwed up deals that Godfrey and Harmer have put together over the last several years it just might take a good lawyer to deal with them all.

And common, Chris Peterson's personal canyon is already named after the guy!

Anonymous said...

Waterfall was forced on Godfrey by his "handlers." And yes, Godfrey does have handlers.

The 800 lb. gorilla who pulls Godfrey's strings is unhappy with Godfrey's lies and political ineffectiveness.

If all goes well during Waterfall's tenure as CED Director, Waterfall will be running against Godfrey for a position at the Ogden helm in three short years.

Mayor Goff's entry into the Ogden City fray is no coincidence either.

Even Godfrey's puppetmasters have written Godfrey off.

Connect the dots.

Anonymous said...

Mayoral "handlers"?

As a non-insider, I despair of guessing the 800-lb. gorilla's identity.


Tom Monson?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


You said it first and we read it first here on the WCF! Waterfall for Mayor! But would he be willing to take a twenty seven grand pay cut?

If not, I would say any one with integrity for Mayor would do! How about you? Moroni for Mayor - has a nice ring to it...

Anonymous said...

At age 54 (now), Waterfall's kids should all be through college by the next election, so no problem on the pay cut.

I'll run for mayor on the express condition that my temple tiptop statue be permitted on the flyers.

Anonymous said...

My guess is that Dad Allen is Godfrey's handler or maybe the Richards Family.

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