Wednesday, December 03, 2008

A GOP Exercise in Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda

Rod Dreher: Ron Paul, If Only We Listened

Wonderful editorial in yesterday's Dallas Morning News, exhibiting courageous and uninhibited 20/20 political hindsight. We incorporate a representative sample of Mr. Dreher's text here:
But the truth is, if U.S. economic policy looked a lot more like Ron Paul's ideal than what we've had these past decades, the nation wouldn't be tottering on the financial abyss. Dr. Paul has long argued that an economy built on easy credit, insatiable consumption and deficit spending is a time bomb. He backs a national economic model based on savings, investment and production. An economy that depends so heavily on government intervention to keep it afloat is one that creates of necessity an ever more powerful state. The nationalization of the banking sector only increases the power of the central government and decreases liberty. Dr. Paul warned for years against what we're seeing happen today. But nobody – including me – listened to the old crank. [...]
How much better off would America be today if we had? We'll never know. Poor us.
Be sure to check out the full article below:
Rod Dreher: Ron Paul, If Only We Listened
Something for Grand Old Party faithful to seriously contemplate, we think, in the wake of a disastrous eight years of neoCON party dominance.

Comments, anyone?

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