• WSU struggles in MontanaAs an added bonus, we bring you another three stories from The Missoulian, the Grizzlies' home town newspaper:
• Wildcats got wish: Grizzlies tilt
• Etuati's return sparks Wildcats
• FCS playoff notes: Plenty on the line for Weber State against Montana
• It's time for Griz vs. Wildcats, Part IIThe game will be televised live on the Altitude TV Network, (Comcast channel 61 in Weber County.) Unfortunately, neither Big Sky TV nor the NCAA site will be podcasting the game this afternoon, so unlike past weeks, we'll be unable to provide our usual live video feed. For those WSU fans who are stranded without a TV cable hookup or a functioning radio receiver however, you can always check out the KLO Radio online audio broadcast, of course:
• Wildcats braced for improved Griz
• FCS quarterfinals: Weber State coach channels his inner ‘wacko'
• KLO Radio (Click the "Listen Live" button)And just for fun (and also to let our readers know we're covering all the bases), here's the link to the Grizzlies' home town radio broadcast site:
• KXGZ Radio (Click "Listen Live.")We'll provide the final score via a post-game update, along with stories and other tid-bits as they become available online. Our WCF comments section will remain open of course, as per usual on WSU game days, for those readers who'd like to chime in as the game progresses.
Best wishes to the 'Cats; and we hope at everyone in Emerald City and environs will enjoy this pivotal playoff game.
Update 12/6/08 9:41 a.m. MT: For those WCF readers looking for a hospitable venue to relax and view the game... this just came in from gentle reader Wm M:
For those WSU fans who are stranded without a TV cable hookup ...Sounds like one heckuva great idea to us.
The City Club and Brewskis on Historic 25th Street will be showing the game ... great chow and adult beverages ... self-indulge with pleasure and HDTV.
Update 12/6/08 3:17 p.m. MT: Ooops! Grizzlies 24; Widcats 13.
The Salt Lake tribune already has the story:
• Weber football: Montana ends Wildcats' dream 24-13Oh well...
Update 12/7/09 7:45 a.m. MT: The Std-Ex provides four post game writeups this morning for those who'd like to play Sunday morning quarterback:
• End of Road: Wildcats can't recover from early fumblesIt was a fantastic season, all-in-all. Gotta say we're proud of our Wildcats. We can't wait to see Coach Mac and the underclassmen back on the field in '09.
• Cats fumble it away
• 'Cats showed grit, met Grizzlies' intensity
• Wildcats' seniors feel they set precedent