We'll file this story in our right sidebar election module, which we expect to be filled out with a full list of mayoral and council candidates by the weekend. And in that connection we'll offer yet another gentle reminder that the filing period for municipal races ends at 5 p.m. tomorrow. As we mentioned in yesterday's article, the slate of Council candidates still remains appallingly thin. It's impossible to have a real city council race, when two out of three "races" feature candidates who are running unopposed, if you know what we mean, and we think you do. Yes. Almost every eligible Ogden resident will be running for Mayor by 5:00 p.m. Friday, of that we have absolutely no doubt. What's REALLY NEEDED here in Emerald City however... is MORE Council candidates!
Be sure to click on the graphic in the upper right corner, BTW, just so everyone will be clear about one of our inherent WCF biases.
The floor's open for your wry comments... and council candidate applications, of course...
Update 7/15/11 10:00 a.m.: Wow! We just received word that two-term veteran Council incumbent Councilwoman Amy Wicks filed this morning to run again for her At Large Seat "C," and have accordingly added her candidate info page to our right sidebar 2011 Muni Elections module:
Definitely good news for fans of smart and frugal city government!