Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Standard-Examiner: Write-in Candidate Files for Ogden Council - Updated

Rick Safsten, a Gang of Six council candidate re-tread, brought to you straight from the deep bowels of the Ogden Community Foundation right wing socialist cabal

Update: A second write-in candidate has also entered the 2011 election race

As reported in yesterday's WCF article, former Gang of Six Councilman Rick Safsten has suddenly entered the 2011 Ogden City Election At-large "C" council race as a write-in candidate. This morning's Standard-Examiner carries Scott Schwebke's morning story on the topic, which fleshes out some of the details concerning Mr. Safsten's last minute write-in election run:
This latest political move on Safsten's part is of course a 180 degree flip-flop from his stated 2007 position regarding a renewed council candidacy, at which time he said he "would not not run for re-election because of personal challenges."

And lest you believe that Safsten may have let any political grass grow under his feet in the interval since he was last chased out of council office in 2005, you can rest assured that he's kept his crony-capitalist instincts sharp, sitting on the Board of Directors of one of the most shadowy corporate entities in Ogden City, i.e., The Ogden Community Foundation, where he's been rubbing elbows with the notorious likes of Matthew Godfrey, John "Pureheart" Patterson and... get this... the beneficiaries of the Envision Ogden/FNURE campaign donation money laundering scheme... none other than Royal Eccles and former Ogden City Councilman Blain Johnson themselves.

There you have it, O Gentle Readers: Rick Safsten, a Gang of Six council candidate re-tread, brought to you straight from the deep, reeking innards of the Ogden Community Foundation right wing socialist cabal.

Who'll be the first to chime in on this?

Update 9/28/11 7:53 a.m.: We can't find word one about this in this morning's Standard-Examiner hard-copy edition; but we just now learned from a sharp-eyed and alert WCF reader that there's also a second write-in candidate who's entered the 2011 Ogden City Municipal election race, namely somebody by the name of Patrick C. Conlin, who has been certified by Cindi Mansell's Ogden City Recorder's Office as a "valid (mayoral) write-in candidate." In that connection, check out this 9/27/11 document from the City Recorder's Office:
We suppose we can interpret this (at the very least) as very good news for disgruntled Ogden City voters who find both candidates Caldwell and Stephenson to be entirely unacceptable, and who'd been hoping for a mayoral candidacy voting option which would be the equivalent of voting for "none of the above."

Who knows however? We'll have to wait and find out, we guess, whether Mayoral Candidate Conlin has any political substance, beyond providing an easy option for a "protest" vote.

So what about it WCF readers? Is there anyone out there who can provide a little quick info on Patrick Conlin, other than the fact that he resides in Ogden, and operates a chiropractic clinic in South Ogden?

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