Interesting locally-oriented story in this morning's Standard-Examiner, wherein Ace reporter Schwebke reveals results of an editorial board interview with Democratic Party gubernatorial challenger (and former Ogden resident) Bob Springmeyer. We dutifully incorporate Mr. Schwebke's opening paragraphs below:
OGDEN — Democratic gubernatorial candidate Bob Springmeyer said Thursday his victory in November could hinge on Weber County votes.As for Mitt Romney's prospects of sending candidate Springmeyer on a pre-election fishing trip, we don't see a high probability of that. After all, a Romney V.P. selection would drive the GOP's core bible belt wingnuts even more nuts than they already are. Besides, GOP presumptive presidential nominee McCain hasn't historically gotten along so well with Romney himself. So in this connection, we think The Deseret News' Bob Bernick got it right in his morning column. Sorry Utah Republicans... "a Romney V.P. selection ain't gonna happen." Probably good news for Utah Democrats, however.
“As Weber goes, this statewide election is going to go,” he told the Standard-Examiner’s editorial board. “This is ground zero.”
Springmeyer, who once lived in Ogden, said he’s hoping presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama will re-energize voters in Weber and Salt Lake counties, typically party strongholds, which could help him beat GOP Gov. Jon Huntsman.
“One of the reasons I’m confident about this race is Obama,” he said. “He’s bringing in a whole new group of people (voters) ... that I haven’t seen since Jack Kennedy.”
Springmeyer, a 65-year-old management consultant from Salt Lake City, said he will have difficulty unseating Huntsman if presumptive Republican presidential candidate John Mc-Cain picks Mitt Romney as his running mate. He joked that he might as well go fly-fishing if that happens.
So, in Springmeyer's analysis, he (and his entire Utah Democratic Party candidate slate) stand a better than normal chance of riding into office on Barrack Obama's coattails, assuming Romney is indeed ruled out of the presidential race.
But even then it isn't quite that simple. As reported here and elsewhere, some diehard Hillary Clinton supporters are still jockeying for a Denver Democratic Nominating Convention floor fight.
We haven't yet spent much time here on Weber County Forum delving into the intracies of the upcoming 2008 General election -- so far. Perhaps this would be a good place to start.
Come one, come all... Democrats and Republicans alike. We think it would be interesting to elicit our own WCF readers' comments and analysis. The entire world blogoshere is sitting on the edge of its seat, waiting to hear "what's up" from the "Weber County Forum Think Tank."
Does this Springmeyer guy have an actual shot at defeating Governor Huntsman? Will Obama overcome lagging polling, and nevertheless become the Democratic nominee? If so, will a horde of Utah Democratic Party challengers be ushered in to office on his coattails, if any? Will Hillary ever "find" whatever it is she's actually looking for? Will George Bush render the whole 2008 election moot, by declaring martial law and going to war with Iran?
So many questions... so few answers...