We don't want the morning to slip by without directing our readers' attention to another fine editorial, in what's growing to be a long line of fine editorials from the Standard-Examiner's new editorial page editor, Doug Gibson. This morning's editorial opines on the recently-brewing "Sinner's Central Database" flap which has also consumed substantial electronic ink, right here at Weber County Forum. Here's today's Std-Ex editorial link:
• That weird database ideaAs is becoming the constant pattern, Mr. Gibson delivers today's concise and lucid analysis and opinion in his usual most craftsman-like fashion, and then drills down, laser-like, to his final common sense "closing" point:
There are several proposals for liquor reform. One even allows for bars to keep a database of drinkers that would only be temporary. But that’s not necessary. In our view, the easiest solution is the best. Get rid of the “private club” rule, ditch any ideas of law enforcement databases or cover charges, and have bars and restaurants check IDs, just like the rest of the nation does it. It works pretty well.Nice job, Mr. Gibson. We couldn't have said it better ourselves.
And what say our gentle readers? It really is as simple as that, isn't it?