Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Standard Examiner: Descente Flies the Emerald City Coop

Could there be a flatland gondola in Layton City's future?

Interesting new development on the Emerald City business development front. In accordance with a speculative scenario foreshadowed here on WCF in mid-November, Descente LTD., the key player in Boss Godfrey's decision to "brand" Emerald City as an outdoor recreation hub, has reportedly spurned Godfrey Administration overtures aimed at setting up new facilities in Ogden, flown the Ogden City "coop" and established a new consolidated office headquarters-warehouse operation in Layton City instead:
Descente now south in Layton (Live Edition)
Descente now south in Layton (Digital Edition)
Boss Godfrey has to be "totally bummed."

And it won't be long, we suspect, before Layton City Mayor Steve Curtis will be eagerly announcing Layton City's new flatland gondola.

We of course invite our ever-savvy readers to chime in, to explain the true meaning of all this.

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