Sunday, February 21, 2010

Standard-Examiner Editorial: OUR VIEW: Secession, Anyone?

We gotta once again say that we're mighty impressed with the upgrade in quality of the SE's editorials, since Doug Gibson took over for Don Porter
We have a suggestion for Sen. Stephenson, or maybe Rep. Carl Wimmer, R-Herriman, or Rep. Curt Oda, R-Clearfield, Or Sen. Margaret Dayton, R-Orem, or Rep. Mike Noel, R-Kanab, or any of their ideological clones: secede from the United States. That would send a message to the federal bureaucrats. No longer would they say, "Oh, it's another resolution from those Utah pols!" They'd have to listen this time.

OUR VIEW: Secession, anyone?
February 21, 2010

Fantastic "tongue in cheek" morning editorial editorial from the Standard-Examiner (we're assuming it's tongue in cheek) criticizing the 2010 legislature's mealy-mouthed, piecemeal "Message Bill" approach to its apparent 2010 legislative project, i.e., thumbing its nose at the federal government:
OUR VIEW: Secession, anyone?
Yes Gentle Readers, "the silly season" is again upon us this election year, with the usual glut of half-assed "message bills," full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."

So what say our Gentle Readers about this? So long as we're chafing under the heavy federal yoke, shouldn't our legislature stop merely nibbling around the edges... and just wholeheartedy go for broke?
But legislators, if you want to truly be independent of the federal government, stop taking so much of its money. It might be quite difficult to make up some of the lost cash, but hey, you'd be the inaugural Legislature of the new nation of Utah. You control the purse strings. You can make the legislative decisions.
And they won't have to be "message" resolutions -- they'd be for real.
Touche', SE Editorial Board... a hit! A most palpable hit! Why should our legislature limit itself to insipid political posturing, when it could could go for the whole enchilada?

We gotta once again say that we're mighty impressed with the upgrade in quality of the SE's editorials, since Doug Gibson took over for Don Porter.

So what say our gentle readers about all this?

Update 2/21/10 1:00 p.m.: While we're on the subject of 2010 "message bills," don't miss this morning's Deseret News column, wherein Mssrs. Pignanelli and Webb cheerfully opine on this topic:
'Message' bills: Are they important or a waste of time?
And who will be the first of our WCF readers to comment?

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