Thursday, March 31, 2011

City Weekly "Best of Utah 2011 Nightlife" Ratings: Two Great Ogden Clubs Top the List

Really no surprises here for those WCF readers who already patronize these two great Ogden clubs

City Weekly has come out with its Best of Utah 2011 Nightlife ratings this morning; and two great Ogden hotspots top the list:

Brewski's - Best Ogden Club:

The Kokomo
- Best 50th Birthday:

For those WCF readers who already patronise these two great Ogden clubs, there are really no surprises here, of course. Still it's great to see Brewskis' Bill and Heidi and The Kokomo's Eddie and Cindy honored in print by City Weekly this morning for their extremely customer-friendly efforts.

And for those readers who haven't checked them out... get on down there right this minute for a nice Breakfast Ramos (or whatever)... and tell 'em Uncle Rudi sent ya's.


Chinua Achebe said...

Conrats Kokomo Club on a great run!

Bob Becker said...

Rudi wrote:

"a nice Breakfast Ramos"

Ah, there's a marketing slogan in the making:

Gin: It's not just for breakfast anymore!

RudiZink said...

Oh yeah Right, Curmudgeon. Like you never ordered up one or two or three or more Ramoses on any given Sunday, back in your earlier professorial tenature, back around New Orleans.

Ha ha ha.

Bob Becker said...

Nope. First time I had a Ramos Gin Fizz was at the Cadillac Restaurant and Bar in Nueva Laredo, Mexico, long after I'd come to Louisiana. [It had a big neon sign out front saying "We are from New Orleans!"] Waiting for a table at the bar, read about the origins of the Ramos and ordered one. Enjoyed it as I sat there watching them refuse entry to gringo tourists [mostly college aged it seemed] who ignored the dress code sign at the entrance and tried to get tables wearing tank top undershirts.

The Ramos Gin Fizz was fine. The cabrito a little overdone and stringy.

Breakfast hooch was not common in our family growing up. Maybe Easter Sunday a bloody mary to start the day off and fortify one for church, which tended to run a little longer on that day. But that was it.

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