Sunday, March 06, 2011

Standard-Examiner Editorial: OUR VIEW: Big Brother Beckons

Although we continue to question whether Boss Godfrey's Crime fighting efforts have been even marginally commendable, wethinks the Standard otherwise gets it exactly right.

We'll cite this morning's Standard-Examiner editorial as another instance of an editorial board that's "firing on all cylinders." We've all had a grand time poking fun at Boss Godfrey's "Clouseau I" Crime Blimp, but now the SE shifts the focus to the dark and creepy side of Boss Godfrey's most recent crackpot obsession:
Here's the SE's insightful closing and summary paragraph:
This is overkill to the 'nth degree. And it will get worse. It's our experience that government overbearance creeps up on society bit by bit. Worse, we accept it little by little. Where is the evidence that Ogden's current efforts to fight crime, many of which have been commendable, are so unsuccessful that we need constant surveillance?
Although we continue to question whether Boss Godfrey's crime fighting efforts have been even marginally commendable, wethinks the Standard otherwise gets it exactly right.


Unknown said...

........SOMETIMES. The FNURE and Envision Ogden investigations are great examples of big brother exhibiting very little interest in watching. After their "extensive research", they will have no part of it........Yes, selective prosecution seems to be alive and well. It appears Blain Johnson and others involved in the recently dropped illegal campaign funds investigations have successfully navigated a questionable and well traveled road which could easily provide encouragement for others to take in the future.

Monotreme said...

Before you post to the S-E discussion board, consider this:,0,6983949.story

Little Miss Irony said...

I pulled this article up on my smartphone. The Standard Examiner asked if I would allow disclosure of my location.

Absofreakinglutely not.

Biker Babe! said...

Wow MT!

they'll getcha one way or t'other

I'll be glad to tell them ... and I'm proud to say ... that I am:

Biker Babe!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


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