Lots to talk about this morning concerning what could amount to an endorsement which could trigger a sea-change in Ogden City mayoral candidate support
There's highly significant news this morning in the 2011 Ogden City Mayoral Election race, wethinks, as Mr. Schwebke breaks the story to its hard-copy readership that Susan Van Hooser, a mayoral candidate who finished a close third (but nevertheless out of the running) in the September 13, 2011 Primary, "announced Saturday she's supporting Mike Caldwell for mayor in the Nov. 8 general election":
Ms. Van Hooser's been Brandon Stephenson's council colleague since September of 2006, when the Council appointed Van Hooser to fill Bill Glasmann's vacated At Large "A" Seat. She's been rubbing elbows with Stephensen on and off for most of the time since then. She knows Brandon as well as anyone in government knows Brandon. Yet when it comes time for an endorsement, who does she endorse? She gives her ringing endorsement to the newcomer, Mike Caldwell; that's who.
So what does that tell ya's about Brandon, O Gentle Ones?
That's it for now. Who'll be the first to throw in their own 2¢? Within the group of WCF readers who supported Van Hooser in the primary race, how many of you will follow Van Hooser's lead and jump aboard the Caldwell bandwagon? If not; why not? Lots to talk about this morning concerning what could amount to an endorsement which could trigger a sea-change in Ogden City mayoral candidate support.
Don't let the cat get your tongues.