Friday, March 27, 2009

Envision Ogden 2007 Municipal Election Corruption Update

Two Godfreyite 2007 city council candidates admit receiving laundered campaign contributions

If this isn't blockbuster Emerald City news, NOTHING is.

We received this press release from Weber County Forum contributor Dan Schroeder yesterday:
Dan's press release also included a link to a series of other documents, which we'll post here under its original title (scroll down):
City Correspondence Packet
The significance of the material in yesterday's press release, it seems to us, is that it moves the allegations made in Dan's two previous articles (read the previous articles here and here) from the realm of speculation and tedious evidentiary proof, to a circumstance where both 2007 council candidates Eccles and Johnson admit that some $20,000 of campaign contributions were funnelled from Envision Ogden, who staged a public property situated fundraiser on June 15, 2007, circuitously through a "straw man" donor (Friends of Northern Utah Real Estate), into their own 2007 council campaigns.

The significance of Dan's City Correspondence Packet, for the most part as we see it, is to illustrate the lengths that Godfrey's people will go to to shield these Godfreyite candidates from the legal consequences of their own apparent money laundering scheme.

Aside from these above editorial comments, we're publishing all this data in raw form.

We'll leave it to our gentle readers to decide the true meaning of these latest revelations.

Don't let the cat get your tongues.

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