Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Std-Ex: Ogden Taverns Stay Limited

No word on the Marshall White Center furnace system problem

Here's a quick followup on last night's council meeting, concerning Mr. Fischer's Star Noodle proposed zoning ordinance reinterpretation, which we most recently addressed in Monday's article.The Standard-Examiner reports this morning that Mr. Fischer's proposed amendment, which could have potentially doubled the number of bars in the Historic 25th Street District, was rejected by the council, by a 4-2 vote:
Ogden taverns stay limited - Two to a block is plenty, council says
The status quo re bars is thus preserved on Two-five Drive... for the time being, at least.

Mr. Schwebke's article is silent about any discussion which might have occurred relative to Marshall White Center furnace system problem, which was also mentioned in Monday's article.

Perhaps one of our readers who attended last night's meeting can fill us in on this.

Don't let the cat get your tongues.

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