The true purpose: to find homes that are really rentals
By: Fines and Fees are We, Welcome to Ogden
Please be advised that the Mayor has now assigned the Fire Department to make 20,000 contacts this winter, knocking on doors of single family homes under the guise of replacing smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detector batteries.
The true purpose is to find homes that are really rentals. The information is uploaded nightly to City Hall, so that the fines and fees can begin for the violators.
All training, for the Fire Department and having engines respond as first responders to medical emergencies will cease until the goal has been met.
More revenue means more hair brained schemes by the little guy on nine.
My advice is: if the fire department comes a-knocking, stay cozied up to the fire place, hope the health department doesnt show up either, and don't answer the door.
By the way, this action is in retaliation for the Fire Fighters endorsing Council Candidates deemed to be unfriendly to the Godfrey Administration.