Watching Republicans in the Utah Legislature try to enact ethics reform is a little like trying to get the family dog to stop chewing the cable wires in the backyard. They just don't understand what we're trying to tell them. [...]
Valentine's ethics rule is a fantasy, and lawmakers in the Legislature should be ashamed to support it. Hopefully, proposals such as SJR3 are last-gasp enabling tactics by a legislative leadership sorely in need of ethics reform.
Standard-Examiner Editorial
OUR VIEW: Ethical fantasies
January 30, 2010
• OUR VIEW: Ethical fantasiesWe'll focus on what we see to be the key paragraph, at the top of this morning's most-excellent editorial:
Watching these pathetic efforts to try to police themselves, we sincerely hope the citizen ethics proposals get enough signatures to get on the ballot this fall.We couldn't be more in agreement.
Sign the petitions, folks:
• Pending Utah Citizens' Initiative PetitionsTell Utah GOP legislative "leadership" (so-called) that Utah lumpencitizens refuse to be hoodwinked.
Query to WCF Readers: Have you signed the petitions yet?
Followup query: If not; why not?