Sunday, September 19, 2010

More On Governor Herbert's Ostensible "Pay to Play" Problem

Oh my. The ever-classy Utah GOP Chair Dave Hansen even says "somebody wants to rip off [Peter] Corroon’s head "

Governor Herbert's ostensible "pay to play" problem continues to be the top political story in the Utah print media this morning, with a pair of articles focusing on the obscene amounts of campaign cash flowing into Herbert's campaign coffers.

First, The Standard-Examiner pulls no punches with this scathing editorial, highlighting the oderiferous appearance of impropriety in the simmering UDOT/FSZ scandal, and calling once again for reasonable campaign finance limits:
OUR VIEW: Herbert's UDOT mess
Next, the Salt Lake Tribune reports that the Herbert campaign evidently remains entirely undaunted by all the bad pre-election publicity, and just last night held another conspicuous high-profile fundraiser which raked in another giant wad of special interest campaign cash:
Donors pour $700K into Herbert’s campaign
The situation continues to heat up. Herbert's supporters are reportedly brimming with righteous indignation at being publicly accused of bad behavior. Oh my. The ever-classy Utah GOP Chair Dave Hansen even says "somebody [wants] to rip Corroon’s head off."

Meanwhile, Robert Gehrke reports that "[a] few blocks away, about two dozen [lumpencitizen] protesters rallied outside the governor’s mansion earlier in the afternoon, carrying signs and chanting that the Governor’s Office should not be for sale." No reports however whether Utah GOP leadership ordered any mass arrests.

We'll continue to follow this story as it develops of course, just in case the situation really heats up.


Unknown said...


IT ain't over 'til the Fat Lady sings.

So come on out, tomorrow night, to the:


DATE: MON 9.20.2010
TIME: 6PM- 7:30PM

Since the WILDCAT THEATER only has 220 seats, come early. Bring a friend. Prepare you questions in advance.

Again, this is a PUBLIC meeting. You do not have to live in WEBER COUNTY to attend.

ozboy said...

I think that if the Carroon campaign can, and will, keep the heat turned up high on Herbert over his serious ethics issues he might just pull off the miracle of the century and win the race.

Wouldn't that be sweet!

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