We imagine Scott Schwebke little imagined what effect his July 27 article would elicit, on the subject of world-famous hijacker/extortionist/possible WSU military law professor DB Cooper.
Here's a Googlesque sampling of the stories so far.
And check out this video from one of our all-time favorite sites... Coast to Coast Radio (we admit it's never been quite the same since the departure of Art Bell):
Compare the photos. Uncanny resemblance with this "Wolfgang Gossett guy" in the middle, innit?
And we could be wrong, but do believe it's possible that the Standard-Examiner is wasting its highly valuable Ace Reporter Schwebke resource in his current beat, which is basically devoted to the journalisticly demeaning task of mindlessly regurgitating the press statements of Boss Godfrey, Dave Harmer, John Patterson and the various other empty and overpaid suits who inhabit the Ogden Municipal Building ninth floor.
Nice Job, Schwebke on this one, BTW.
And what say our gentle readers about this?