Saturday, March 21, 2009

The "Missing Link" Per the Std-Ex: A Trusted and Community-committed Ogden City Advocate Argues Eloquently for Common Sense

Another example of how all the smart people in Emerald City are all pushing for street car public transit

We'd like to spotlight this very fine op-ed piece on the Standard-Examiner live website from yesterday morning, by Shalae Larsen, uber Ogden City community advocate and a par excellence example of how the smart people in Emerald City are all pushing for street car public transit. This article is so well written that we won't even try to carve out the most powerful paragraphs. They're ALL powerful in cascading sequence. Just read up. Here's the link again:
The missing link
Reader comments are invited, as always.

Consider this a kickoff article to a weekend open thread.

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