Friday, October 05, 2012

2012 General Election Update - Updated

Gawd does your WCF blogmeister ever love politics! 

Yikes! Just a mere 24 hours ago every pundit in the country couldn't stop gushing over Mitt Romney's debate performance. But now everyone is talking about how Romney wants to fire Big Bird.  Here's the post debate gist.  Let's start out with the clever graphics,  Rember People... especially in politics, a picture sez a thousand words (at the very least):

Big Bird Ain't Goin' Down Easy
Big Bird in a Soup-line? Say it won't be so, Mitt!
Romney Family 2012 Thanksgiving Dinner?

And here are a few Big Bird-topical articles for our ever-feverish WCF political wonks' discussion:
It'll be pretty weird, won't it, if Mitt Romney's possibly ill-considered and off-cuff debate remarks about "killing off BigBird" might "kill" his election own this year, yes?

Gawd does your WCF blogmeister ever love politics!

Update 10/6/12 8:00 a.m.:  The Standard picks up where we left off on this story, with  this morning's Andy Howell Behind the Headlines column:
"I guess the lesson here for politicians is, don’t use a pop-culture reference to back a negative position. You run the risk of your message being lost in the furor from an unintended audience," observes the ever-savvy Andy Howell.

1 comment:

Larry Zini said...

It was interesting when Obama said the day after the debates that the real Romney was not there.  

The problem for the President is the real Obama did show up and was viewed on a national stage with no protective filter by the left leaning media. It was pretty pathetic to watch. 

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